妮蒂雅以诺家庭学校学院学业预约见面会 Lydia Enoch Homeschool Academy Academic Appointment Meeting



Lydia Enoch Homeschool Academy Academic Appointment Meeting



Participants: Christian family who serve God, Christian families, and catechumen families with children students aged 3 to 12 who need our help in customizing homeschooling Christian education academic textbooks, study plans and study method guidance. They need to order our textbooks or have them delivered. Children attending our Lydia Enoch Academy are determined by consultation in advance and the parent or guardian attends this Academic Appointment Meeting with the student child.



Participants of the academic appointment meeting, who have made a reservation on this page and successfully paid, need to be present on time between 16:00PM and 16:30PM on Tuesday to Friday. Please also leave a brief description of the general situation of the participants in the order.


*至少需要是有一位家长(或者监护人)+ 一位孩童学生


   At least one parent (or guardian) + one child student is required


   Each student pays one fee



   Academic Appointment Meeting Includes:



   Conduct a learning level test for your children.



   Customize the award-winning USA Christian education English & Chinese textbooks and learning plans for your children’s academic needs at their own pace.



  The reservation fee will be used to prepare various consumables, and you need to attend according to the reservation time. Reservations cannot be refunded when you are unable to attend. Please understand and pray for God's help you can to attend on time.



  Meet Luncheon Party Location Address:

  14600 SE 176th St Unit D3 Renton WA USA 98058



  Families arriving by car, please park your car on the street or in the parking space at the nearby shopping center. (Please do not park your car in the numbered parking spaces in the complex that belong to each landlord to avoid having your car towed.)



Lydia Enoch Academy and Lydia Enoch Christian Bookstore reserve the final right to interpret of the Lydia Enoch Academy Academic Appointment Meeting.



  • 可售


Click on the picture below to enter the Lydia Enoch Academy website to browse courses for each grade.


An introduction to some of our Chinese courses:

《用圣经学中文》课程 - 三岁学生 第 1 周 - 第 40 周 - 中文普通话授课 - 包括在线视
  《用圣经学中文》课程    周慧贤传道 编著&主讲教授   - 三岁学生课程   第 1 周 - 第 40 周   - 中文普通话授课   - 包括在线视频课堂,作业   —全学年 40周 (40个视频课堂)   - 需要有基督徒教师或家长现场协助  —这个录播 ... (Read More)
$266.62 $239.95
《用圣经学中文》课程学费 - 4岁幼稚级
  四岁幼稚级学生,学习到中文字1260个,和对应的圣经词汇,圣经句子,圣经故事的学术增进。   教材:采用周妮蒂雅传道编写的《用圣经学中文》教材   四岁幼稚级学生需要购买配备中文拼音练字本    13本   学习时间:40周,不设置延时学习时间。   ... (Read More)
$3,335.00 $3,000.00
《人的一生都在主里》0-1岁幼儿级父母亲子课程包括在线视频课堂和指导 全年12堂
  《人的一生都在主里》0-1岁幼儿级父母亲子课程 - 全年12堂       通常是每月一堂课,全年12堂的课程,可根据实际情况自定进度。 妮蒂雅以诺学院同步做成绩记录和学生档案维护。 ... (Read More)
$94.86 $85.95
《人的一生都在主里》1-2岁幼儿级父母亲子课程包括在线视频课堂和指导 全年9堂
  《人的一生都在主里》1-2岁幼儿级课程 - 全年9堂     通常是大约每月一堂课,全年9的课程,可根据实际情况自定进度。 妮蒂雅以诺学院同步提供成绩记录和学生档案维护。 ... (Read More)
$71.06 $63.95
《人的一生都在主里》2岁幼儿级课程包括在线视频课堂,作业和手工 全年52堂- 需要有基督徒教师或家长
  《人的一生都在主里》2岁幼儿级课程 - 全年52堂   需要有基督徒教师或家长,在现场协助孩子或孩子们学习。 支持现场协助的基督徒教师或家长带领一位孩子或多位孩子们学习,   妮蒂雅以诺学院收取每位学生支付一份学费作业费;   现场带领的基督徒教师或家长,收取学生需要打印的作业手工等页面费用,费用根据实际情况自定。   通常是每周一堂课,全 ... (Read More)
$411.06 $369.95


Click on the picture below to enter the Lydia Enoch Christian Bookstore to view Christian education textbooks in Chinese and English for each grade and subject.

美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 USA Alpha Omega Publications 是一家成立于1977年的领先的基督教课程、教育资源和服务提供商,服务于全球的基督教学校和家庭学校家庭。我们获得授权可以帮助有需要家庭在我们的网站的妮蒂雅以诺基督徒书店可以以9折优惠价格订购阿尔阿欧米伽出版社教材。





以下是 Alpha Omega Publications 获得的奖项列表:

  1. How to Homeschool Awards (家庭教育指南奖)
  2. Homeschooling Parent Homeschool-Friendly Certification (家庭教育亲子友好认证)
  3. Cathy Duffy’s 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum (凯西·达菲家庭教育课程102佳选)
  4. Practical Homeschooling i-Learn Awards (实用家庭教育i-Learn奖)
  5. Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards (实用家庭教育读者奖)
  6. The Old Schoolhouse Excellence in Education Awards (老校舍教育卓越奖)
  7. Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Favorite (教导他们尽责家庭教育家庭最爱)
  8. Homeschool.com Seal of Approval (Homeschool.com 认可印章)


How to Homeschool Awards: Alpha Omega Publications 在 How to Homeschool 的指南中被提及四次,涵盖了学前教育、小学、中学和高中。

Homeschooling Parent Homeschool-Friendly Certification: 由 Homeschooling Parent 颁发,该认证帮助家庭找到符合家庭教育社区标准和原则的友好产品。

Cathy Duffy’s 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum: Cathy Duffy 是家庭教育领域的知名人士,她有超过35年评估家庭教育课程的经验。

Practical Homeschooling i-Learn Awards: 由 Practical Homeschooling 杂志每年秋季颁发,以表彰在互动在线或软件课程方面的卓越。

Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards: 由数千名家庭教育者投票选出,表彰最受欢迎的家庭教育课程。

The Old Schoolhouse Excellence in Education Awards: 由 The Old Schoolhouse 的读者选出,这些奖项旨在让家庭教育者发声,并帮助家长找到教育孩子所需的工具。

Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Favorite: 由 Teach Them Diligently 汇编和排名,这些家庭最爱奖项是根据数千名家庭教育者的反馈而确定的。

Homeschool.com Seal of Approval: Homeschool.com 被誉为第一家庭教育社区,它将 Alpha Omega Publications 列为其前10名课程评论之一。