美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 早期读者 1 级 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Early Readers Level 1







产品编码 -   BR0101

产品重量:0.85 磅





Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   BR0101

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 0.85 pounds

ISBN:   9780740301155





  • 0.85 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

Early Readers Level 1 是一个循序渐进的单词构建系列,它使用短元音单词复述深受喜爱的圣经故事。这套五本书中的每一本书都色彩缤纷,软装,适合学习阅读的人。在每个故事的开头包括新单词,在结尾包括理解问题。

Early Readers Level 1 is a progressive word building series that uses short vowel words to retell much-loved Bible stories. Each of the five books in the set is colorful, softbound, and age-appropriate for those learning to read. Includes new words at the beginning of each story and comprehension questions at the end.



为学习阅读的幼儿寻找好的阅读材料可能很困难。幸运的是,仍有优质书籍可供使用,例如 Early Readers Level 1。这个循序渐进的单词构建系列专为年幼的孩子设计。深受喜爱的圣经故事以简单的语言为初学者重述。《不是床》讲述了耶稣诞生的故事。“我会帮忙”是关于好撒玛利亚人的。《妈妈和孩子》取材于以利亚和撒勒法的寡妇。《小伙子的包》讲述了五饼二鱼的故事。《丹尼尔和大猫》讲述的是丹尼尔在狮子窝里的故事。

但还有更多!这些书在 1-2-3 阅读中特别提到!来自 The Weaver Curriculum® 的课程,因此您会确切知道何时将它们介绍给您的孩子。当您与孩子一起完成拼音课程时,他们也会翻阅这些书籍。Early Readers Level 1 书籍很快就会成为您家中每个人的最爱!最重要的是,每本书都包含圣经经文,注明故事在圣经中的位置。立即从 Alpha Omega Publications 订购您的 Early Readers Level 1 副本,发现让您的孩子为您朗读的乐趣!


Finding good reading materials for young children learning to read can be difficult. Fortunately, there are still good quality books available, such as Early Readers Level 1. This progressive word building series is designed with the young child in mind. Much-loved Bible stories are retold in simple language for beginning readers. "Not a Bed" tells the story of Jesus' birth. "I Will Help" is about the Good Samaritan. "Mom and the Lad" is based on Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. "The Lad's Bag" tells the story of the five loaves and two fishes. "Daniel and the Big Cats" is about Daniel in the lion's den.

But there's even more! These books are specifically mentioned within the 1-2-3 Read! program from The Weaver Curriculum®, so you'll know exactly when to introduce them to your child. As you move through the phonics program with your child, they'll move through these books. The Early Readers Level 1 books will soon become favorites with everyone in your home! Best of all, each book includes the Scripture verses noting where the story is found in the Bible. Order your copy of Early Readers Level 1 from Alpha Omega Publications today and discover the joy of having your child read to you!


  • 单元学习
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 多年龄段教学的专题方法

At a Glance

  • Unit studies
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Topical approach for teaching multiple ages


  • 基于单元的基督教课程
  • K-6 年级卷
  • 7-12 年级的补充
  • 每日圣经主题


  • Unit-based Christian Curriculum
  • Volumes for Grades K-6
  • Supplements for Grades 7-12
  • Daily Bible Themes