LIFEPAC® 6th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set LIFEPAC®6年级语言艺术学生本 10 单元套装


Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  LAN0600

产品编码 -  LAN0600


Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 9.4 x 4 inches

产品尺寸:11.6 x 9.4 x 4英寸


ISBN: 9780867170610




  • 3.2 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1



Teaching your sixth grader language arts is easy with the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set! This vibrant, print-based consumable is brimming with fun-to-do lessons covering a variety of important topics including the parts of speech, punctuation, and more! Tests are included in this Alpha Omega curriculum.


使用LIFEPAC六年级语言艺术10单元套装,轻松教授六年级学生的语言艺术!这种充满活力的,基于打印的耗材充满了有趣的上课内容,涵盖了各个重要主题,包括语音部分,标点符号等等!测试包含在此Alpha Omega课程中。




Are you looking for homeschool language arts curriculum that motivates your child as he learns? Do you already have the LIFEPAC teacher's guide? Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect solution—the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set! This comprehensive set of ten easy-to-use worktexts without a teacher's guide provides a full year of language arts lessons! Each of the ten print-based units contains interesting illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions to help encourage your student to complete each of the self-paced lessons. Topics in this Alpha Omega curriculum include critical thinking, prefixes and suffixes, creating an outline, parts of speech, punctuation, writing letters, literary forms, parables and proverbs, paragraph structure, and propaganda.

Sound good? Just wait until you hear the rest! Each consumable booklet in the LIFEPAC 6th Grade 10-Unit Set will help build your child's confidence while giving him a complete sixth grade language arts education. Plus, your child will gain a wonderful sense of achievement when he completes each of the compact, easy-to-understand worktexts in just three to four weeks! But that's not all—each LIFEPAC contains consistent reviews, self tests, and one teacher-administered test to reinforce and solidify student comprehension and retention. Best of all, these same tests and reviews make tracking your child's progress easy! Don't wait any longer—add the LIFEPAC 6th Grade Language Arts 10-Unit Set to your cart today!



您是否正在寻找能激发孩子学习动力的家庭学校语言艺术课程?您已经有LIFEPAC教师指南吗?Alpha Omega Publications提供了完美的解决方案-LIFEPAC六年级语言艺术10单元套装!这套完整的十组易于使用的工作文本,没有老师的指导,提供了全年的语言艺术课程!十个基于印刷的单元均包含有趣的插图和易于遵循的说明,以帮助鼓励您的学生完成每个自定进度的课程。此Alpha Omega课程的主题包括批判性思维,前缀和后缀,创建大纲,词性,标点符号,写信,文学形式,寓言和谚语,段落结构和宣传。
