哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Recipes by Month 按月份的食谱

june Recipes  六月食谱
















































































What to eat for health in June


In June, summer is officially entering summer, and it is no longer the kind of petty heating up, but the temperature will directly soar to more than 30 degrees. As the temperature gets hotter. At this time, we should adjust our diet and eat more light, hydrated foods to help us spend this time in a healthy way.


Weather in June


June is the watershed of temperature. There are two solar terms: awn seed and summer solstice. Generally, after the summer solstice, the temperature will rise significantly, and it will gradually enter the three-volt weather. At this time, the temperature is high, the humidity is high, and there will be heavy precipitation in the southern region, and the rainy season will appear. At this time, bacteria are easy to breed, and you should pay attention to the hygiene of your diet to prevent diseases from entering your mouth. In addition, mumps and chickenpox are prone to large-scale outbreaks at this time.


What to eat for health in June


Meat: pork, rabbit, duck, chicken, crucian carp, grass carp


Vegetables: buckwheat, corn, sweet potatoes, soybeans, spinach, coriander, rapeseed, cabbage, celery, green onions, green garlic, lettuce, potatoes, yams, tomatoes, cucumbers, winter squash


Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Lychee, Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Dragon Fruit, Cantaloupe, Nectarine, Bayberry, Cherry, Strawberry


Others: noodles, lotus seeds, almonds, mung beans, almonds, lotus root, lily


The above ingredients are some foods that clear heat, diuresis, promote body fluid, and relieve heat. Some of them are cold. It is best to choose the amount of food according to your own constitution. In addition, this season, you should eat less hot food, which is easy to get angry.


Recipe recommendations for June


1. Winter melon and barley porridge


Materials: 100 grams of wax gourd, 30 grams of barley, and 30 grams of glutinous rice.


Practice: Wash the winter melon, cut into pieces, and cook with the barley until cooked.


Efficacy: wax gourd clears heat and removes dampness, has high water content, and does not increase body heat; barley removes dampness, and glutinous rice nourishes the stomach, which has the effect of clearing heat, removing dampness and nourishing the stomach.


2. Lotus root pork ribs soup


Material: 250 grams of lotus root, 500 grams of pork ribs, appropriate amount of red dates


Method: Chop the ribs into pieces, blanch them in boiling water, put them in the pot together with the chopped lotus roots and washed red dates, boil them into soup, and season them.


Efficacy: lotus root is rich in plant protein, vitamins, iron, calcium and other trace elements, which can significantly nourish qi and blood, and enhance immunity.


3. Fried lily with celery


Material: 200 grams of celery, 3 fresh lilies, 1 colorful pepper


Method: After cleaning the celery and lily, clean them, slice them together with the bell peppers and stir-fry evenly in the oil pan, then add a little seasoning for seasoning.


Efficacy: Lily has the effect of clearing away heat and soothing the nerves, while celery is rich in cellulose. Stir-frying the two together can effectively alleviate problems such as loss of appetite and poor appetite caused by high temperature in summer, and can also play a role in reducing lipids and blood pressure.


How to keep healthy in June


1. Eat less fat and drink more water


The weather in June is hot and it is easy to feel hot and dry. The solution to this problem is to drink more water. The daily intake of water should reach 2000ml-2400ml. The blood viscosity of the human body is relatively high in the morning, and it is easy to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as thrombosis. Therefore, in the morning, we must pay attention to replenishing water in time. Only when there is sufficient water in the body can we remove the garbage in the intestines and prevent getting angry. In addition, it is best to follow the principles of low fat, low salt, low sugar, low cholesterol and low stimulation in the diet.


2. The routine of work and rest does not stay up late


Ensuring adequate sleep, maintaining good living habits, and exercising regularly can effectively enhance the body's ability to resist disease. This is especially important during the dry and variable June climate. This is especially true for people who are physically weak and vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. In addition, try not to go to places where the crowd is more concentrated, which is easy to contract diseases and is not good for health.


3. Keep the air flowing


In June, the weather is hot, the wind is relatively small, and the air is not easy to circulate, so it is best to open the doors and windows in time for ventilation. Especially for those who turn on the air conditioner, they should turn off the air conditioner every once in a while to get some ventilation, so as to avoid suffering from air conditioner disease.


4. Insist on physical exercise


June is relatively hot, and people will sweat when they move a little bit, so many people are reluctant to exercise. In fact, it is more appropriate to exercise at this time, which can promote the body's metabolism, expel some wastes from the body in time, and reduce the accumulation of toxins. You can do some exercises that are not very physical, such as jogging, walking, square dancing, swimming, etc.


For some special groups, we must pay attention to the adjustment of diet and daily life to avoid some accidents.


Diet tips for June


The weather is hot in June, and the body consumes more energy and sweats more. If you do not pay attention to adding water when sweating, it can cause osmotic dehydration in the body. The clinical manifestations are thirst, general malaise, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, convulsions or even coma. In addition, when sweating, the body will not only lose water, but also some inorganic salts. Therefore, after sweating, it is best to drink about two thousandths of light salt water, and it is advisable to drink a small amount of water several times. In addition, in summer, you will eat more bitter and cool foods, and these foods will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines for people with weak constitution and bad stomach, so it is good to eat in moderation.