哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Recipes by Month 按月份的食谱

september Recipes  九月食谱





































“春捂秋冻”,指的是在春天不要过早的把冬天的衣服减少,秋天不要过早穿上冬天的衣服。因为,春寒料峭,气候虽然转暖,但是并没有真正达到适合人们换单衣的最佳时刻,极端天气可能反复出现,过早减少冬衣,容易被风寒之邪侵袭,腠理不闭,(若腠理疏松或 腠理不固 ,则 风寒 外邪易于侵袭人体,发作 感冒 等病证;腠理闭郁,则 毛窍闭塞 , 肺气不宣 ,卫气不得外达,在表的风寒之邪难出,可引发 恶寒发热 、无汗等症。)寒邪留恋,容易发生春温等疾病。而秋天,虽然秋凉渐近,但夏季、秋季的燥热之邪尚未完全退去,此时如果过早穿上冬天的衣服,容易将燥热之邪留存体内,冬天寒气外束,阳气不得通达,内聚燥热之邪不得宣发,可以诱发各种疾病。











Health in September


What to eat for health in September? At this time, the temperature has dropped a lot, which makes us really feel the coolness of autumn. After officially entering autumn, how should we regulate our body and lifestyle? Let's find out together.


1. Climate characteristics


At the autumnal equinox, most areas have entered the cool autumn. The cold air from the south meets the gradually attenuating warm and humid air. The precipitation is frequent, the temperature drops significantly, and the temperature difference between day and night further widens.


2. What to eat in September


Eat more: American ginseng, American ginseng, lily almond, Chuanbei, wax gourd, cucumber, radish, pear, etc.


Can also use scallion, ginger, cardamom, coriander to prevent and treat colds.


Vegetables: bamboo shoots, radishes, carrots, lotus root, sweet potatoes, black fungus, lily, etc.


Fruits: grapes, grapefruit, hawthorn, chestnuts, oranges, persimmons, sugar cane, winter jujube, apples, pears, etc.


Others: honey, walnuts, millet, duck meat, white fungus, sesame, glutinous rice, dairy products, etc.


3. Crowd health care




In autumn, you should go to bed early and get up early, and develop the habit of morning exercise. However, as the temperature drops, human blood vessels constrict and joint mobility is weakened, which can easily cause damage to muscles, joints and ligaments. Therefore, it is necessary to make adequate preparations before exercise; Be well prepared for warm-up activities. In autumn, the temperature difference is large, and clothes should be changed according to the changes in outdoor temperature. After exercising and sweating, do not wear sweaty clothes to stay in the cold wind to prevent catching a cold.




In autumn, the weather is refreshing, and everything is mainly convergent. Autumn is to prepare for winter. Small animals all know that they need to prepare food for winter. The concept passed down by people is that they should gain more weight in autumn to prepare for winter. Therefore, there is a saying of "posting autumn fat". Therefore, in autumn, comprehensive conditioning should be made in terms of diet and diet to make the body stronger and better able to adapt to the harsh winter.




It is advisable to go to bed early and get up early, and avoid going out for exercise in foggy weather in late autumn, because the fog contains many harmful substances. Such as various acids, alkali minerals, microorganisms, etc., morning exercise accelerates breathing, and when the human body inhales these harmful substances, it can induce or aggravate pharyngitis, bronchitis, asthma and other diseases. In addition, foggy weather is low and humidity is high, and sweat is not easy to evaporate, which is uncomfortable. Appropriate autumn freezing, beware of autumn cold.


Pregnant women:


"Spring covers autumn freezing", which means that in spring, don't reduce winter clothes too early, and don't put on winter clothes too early in autumn. Because, the spring is cold and the climate is getting warmer, but it has not really reached the best time for people to change into single clothes, extreme weather may occur repeatedly, prematurely reducing winter clothes, it is easy to be attacked by the evil of wind and cold, and it is not closed. Looseness or lack of firmness in the spleen, the external pathogens of wind-cold are easy to invade the human body, causing colds and other diseases. , can lead to aversion to cold, fever, no sweat and other symptoms.) Cold pathogens are nostalgic, and diseases such as spring temperature are prone to occur. In autumn, although the coolness of autumn is approaching, the evil of dryness and heat in summer and autumn has not completely receded. If you put on winter clothes too early at this time, it is easy to retain the evil of dryness and heat in your body. The evil of gathering dryness and heat shall not be declared, and it can induce various diseases.


Special population:


Patients suffering from a variety of chronic diseases should pay attention to tonic in winter, and in the beginning of autumn, appropriate Chinese herbal medicine dietary conditioning, such as ointment, Chinese medicine pills, powder or decoction, etc. The purpose of prevention is to prevent disease first. For example, to moisten the lungs in autumn, you can always take Qiuli ointment and other Chinese herbal medicines or health care products that nourish the lungs.


4. Matters needing attention


September health care should be based on the law of balance, the principle of keeping the body in balance. Spiritual recuperation is very important in autumn. Some people think that autumn means the withering of all trees, and it is easy to produce "sad autumn". In fact, we can think more about God's beautiful autumn, a season when many kinds of fruits and vegetables are harvested, and we can cultivate optimism and maintain peace of mind. When the weather is good, you can go out for a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. Make yourself happy and relaxed. Exercise your body and relax your mind and body. Avoid and eliminate bad emotions.


It is also very important to maintain health in September and prevent autumn dryness. In the cool autumn days, people tend to have dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat, dry stool, dry skin and so on. It can be appropriate to take more vitamin-containing foods, use Chinese herbal medicine, and use appropriate skin care products.