哥 林 多 前 书 10:31 [hgb]  所 以 你 们 或 吃 或 喝 , 无 论 作 什 么 , 都 要 为 荣 耀 神 而 行 。

1 Corinthians 10:31 [kjv]  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

LEBIH 9-  Grains


LEBHI 9-4 

White Barley








































Introduction of barley ingredients


Also known as coix seed, coix seed, six grain rice, coix seed, coix seed, coix seed.

Barley is the mature seed kernel of Coix coix, an annual or perennial herb. When the fruit is mature in autumn, harvest the plant, dry it in the sun, lay the fruit, and then dry it in the sun to remove the shell, yellow-brown seed coat and impurities, and collect the seed kernels. Barley has the characteristics of easy digestion and absorption, whether it is used for nourishment or medical treatment, the effect is very mild.

Barley has a long history of cultivation in my country, and it is one of the ancient grains that are good for both medicine and food. It is produced in most parts of the country, mainly in Fujian, Hebei and other provinces. Because of its high nutritional value, barley is known as "the king of the world's grasses" and "the grass of life and health". Anti-cancer food, so worth double.


nutritional value


1. Coix seed contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can promote metabolism and reduce gastrointestinal burden, and can be used as a tonic food for frail patients during or after illness;

2. Regular consumption of barley is also effective for chronic enteritis and indigestion. Barley can enhance renal function, and has heat-clearing and diuretic effects, so it is also effective for edema patients;

3. Modern pharmacological research has proved that barley has the effect of preventing cancer, and its anti-cancer active ingredients include selenium element, which can effectively inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and can be used for adjuvant treatment of gastric cancer and cervical cancer;

4. Healthy people often eat barley, which can lighten the body and reduce the risk of tumor incidence;

5. Barley contains a certain amount of vitamin E, which is a kind of beauty food. Regular consumption can keep human skin shiny and delicate, eliminate acne, pigmentation, improve skin color, and it has a certain therapeutic effect on warts caused by virus infection;

6. Barley is rich in vitamin B, which is very beneficial to the prevention and treatment of beriberi.

Edible effect


1. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: the selenium element contained in it can effectively inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells, and can be used for adjuvant treatment of celiac cancer and cervical cancer.

2. Strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote metabolism: Coix seed contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can promote metabolism and reduce gastrointestinal burden.

3. Skin whitening: Barley contains a certain amount of vitamin E, which is a kind of beauty food. Regular consumption can keep human skin smooth and delicate, eliminate acne, pigmentation, and improve skin tone. And it has a certain therapeutic effect on warts caused by viral infections.

4. Hair care: It has the functions of nourishing hair, preventing hair loss, and making hair smooth and soft.

5. Diuresis and dampness: It is a commonly used drug for diuresis and dampness.

6. Prevention and treatment of beriberi: Barley is rich in vitamin B, which is very beneficial to the prevention and treatment of beriberi.


For people


suitable for majority of the people.


Taboo crowd


Women should not eat in early pregnancy; in addition, those with less sweating and constipation should not eat it.


Buying skills


1. Smell: This step is the easiest. Smell whether there is any fragrance. The more fragrant, the fresher it will be. There will be some Chinese medicine smells.

2, to choose glossy: uniform white or yellow-white are good. Choose to be thinner and thinner (some supermarkets will sell both fat and thin, at this time you should buy thin).

3. Pinch: crush a grain and see if it will collapse into many small pieces. If not, it is a good barley.

4. Eat: Good barley tastes sweet and has a light taste.

5. Bite: You can check whether it is damp. Put one in your mouth and take a bite. If there is a cracking sound, it means that it is not damp.


[ 每100克的营养成分含量 ]



能量 361 千卡

蛋白质 12.8 克

脂肪 3.3 克

碳水化合物 71.1 克

粗纤维 2 克



单不饱和脂肪酸 克

多不饱和脂肪酸 克

多不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 %

反式脂肪酸 克

反式脂肪酸占总脂肪酸的比例 %

胆固醇 毫克

植物固醇 毫克

胡萝卜素 微克

叶黄素类 微克

番茄红素 微克



钙 42 毫克

镁 88 毫克

钠 3.6 毫克

钾 238 毫克

磷 217 毫克

硫 74.84 毫克

氯 5.55 毫克

铁 3.6 毫克

碘 微克

锌 1.68 毫克

硒 3.07 微克

铜 0.29 毫克

锰 1.37 毫克

氟 微克



维生素A 微克

维生素C 毫克

维生素D 微克

维生素E 2.08 毫克

维生素K 微克

维生素P(类黄酮) 毫克

维生素B1(硫胺素) 0.22 毫克

维生素B2(核黄素) 0.15 毫克

维生素B3(烟酸) 2 毫克

维生素B4(胆碱) 毫克

维生素B5(泛酸) 毫克

维生素B6 毫克

维生素B7(生物素) 微克

维生素B9(叶酸) 微克

维生素B12 微克

维生素B14(甜菜碱) 毫克



亮氨酸 1773 毫克

蛋氨酸 348 毫克

苏氨酸 242 毫克

赖氨酸 233 毫克

色氨酸 毫克

缬氨酸 781 毫克

组氨酸 206 毫克

异亮氨酸 505 毫克

苯丙氨酸 645 毫克

Nutrient composition list of barley (coix seed, coix seed)

[Nutrition content per 100g]


basic nutrition

Energy 361 kcal

Protein 12.8 g

Fat 3.3 g

Carbohydrates 71.1 g

Crude fiber 2 g



Monounsaturated fatty acids g

polyunsaturated fatty acids g

% of polyunsaturated fatty acids in total fatty acids

trans fatty acid grams

Trans fatty acids as % of total fatty acids

Cholesterol mg

Plant sterols mg

Carotene mcg

Lutein micrograms

Lycopene mcg



Calcium 42 mg

Magnesium 88 mg

Sodium 3.6 mg

Potassium 238 mg

Phosphorus 217 mg

Sulfur 74.84 mg

Chlorine 5.55 mg

Iron 3.6 mg

Iodine mcg

Zinc 1.68 mg

Selenium 3.07 mcg

Copper 0.29 mg

Manganese 1.37 mg

Fluorine micrograms



Vitamin A mcg

Vitamin C mg

Vitamin D mcg

Vitamin E 2.08 mg

Vitamin K mcg

Vitamin P (flavonoids) mg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.22 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.15 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin) 2 mg

Vitamin B4 (choline) mg

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) mg

Vitamin B6 mg

Vitamin B7 (Biotin) mcg

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) mcg

Vitamin B12 mcg

Vitamin B14 (betaine) mg


amino acid

Leucine 1773 mg

Methionine 348 mg

Threonine 242 mg

Lysine 233 mg

Tryptophan mg

Valine 781 mg

Histidine 206 mg

Isoleucine 505 mg

Phenylalanine 645 mg