1 耶和华啊,求你不要在怒中责备我。不要在烈怒中惩罚我。
2 因为你的箭射入我身,你的手压住我。
3 因你的恼怒,我的肉无一完全。因我的罪过,我的骨头也不安宁。
4 我的罪孽高过我的头,如同重担叫我担当不起。
5 因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。
6 我疼痛,大大拳曲,终日哀痛。
7 我满腰是火。我的肉无一完全。
8 我被压伤,身体疲倦。因心里不安,我就唉哼。
9 主啊,我的心愿都在你面前。我的叹息不向你隐瞒。
10 我心跳动,我力衰微,连我眼中的光,也没有了。
11 我的良朋密友,因我的灾病,都躲在旁边站着。我的亲戚本家,也远远地站立。
12 那寻索我命的,设下网罗。那想要害我的,口出恶言,终日思想诡计。
13 但我如聋子不听,像哑巴不开口。
14 我如不听见的人,口中没有回话。
15 耶和华啊,我仰望你。主我的神啊,你必应允我。
16 我曾说,恐怕他们向我夸耀。我失脚的时候,他们向我夸大。
17 我几乎跌倒,我的痛苦常在我面前。
18 我要承认我的罪孽。我要因我的罪忧愁。
19 但我的仇敌又活泼又强壮。无理恨我的增多了。
20 以恶报善的与我作对,因我是追求良善。
21 耶和华啊,求你不要撇弃我。我的神啊,求你不要远离我。
22 拯救我的主啊,求你快快帮助我。
King James Version
Chapter 38
38:1 O LORD, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.
38:2 For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore.
38:3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin.
38:4 For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.
38:5 My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness.
38:6 I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long.
38:7 For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.
38:8 I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart.
38:9 Lord, all my desire is before thee; and my groaning is not hid from thee.
38:10 My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.
38:11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
38:12 They also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long.
38:13 But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth.
38:14 Thus I was as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs.
38:15 For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God.
38:16 For I said, Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice over me: when my foot slippeth, they magnify themselves against me.
38:17 For I am ready to halt, and my sorrow is continually before me.
38:18 For I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin.
38:19 But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied.
38:20 They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.
38:21 Forsake me not, O LORD: O my God, be not far from me.
38:22 Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation.