妮蒂雅 以诺 神学院

Lydia Enoch Theological Seminary


周慧賢傳道,是聖父,聖子,聖靈 這位三一真神,在2004年呼召的傳道人, 還有她的兒子週以諾,是三一真神在2011年呼召的同工


感謝神使用妮蒂雅和以諾,創辦設立了福樂教會,給妮蒂雅領受了異象, 使用妮蒂雅和以諾在10年前就在神學院的講台上講課,並創辦了多個基督教教育的教學幫助平台









《研經行道》神學課程  - 粵語 廣東話版本


周慧贤传道,是圣父,圣子,圣灵 这位三一真神,在2004年呼召的传道人, 还有她的儿子周以诺,是三一真神在2011年呼召的同工


感谢神使用妮蒂雅和以诺,创办设立了福乐教会,给妮蒂雅领受了异象, 使用妮蒂雅和以诺在10年前就在神学院的讲台上讲课,并创办了多个基督教教育的教学帮助平台









《研经行道》神学课程  -  普 通 话 版 本

《Bible Study and Using The Bible Truth 》 Theology Course

Preacher Lydia Chow, Called by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Triune God,  in 2004, and her son  Enoch Chow, as co-worker called by  the Triune God in 2011.


Thank God for using Lydia and Enoch, founded the Fuller Church, gave Lydia received a vision , used Lydia and Enoch to gave lectures on the seminary podium 10 years ago, and founded come  teaching help platform for Christian education.


Thanks God for equipping Lydia and Enoch for the opportunity to study theology for about ten years; and for more than ten years to study the classic works of many great and famous pastors in the world.


In terms of actual service, in the past ten years or so, God used Lydia and Enoch. By according seted appointments, already met and helped more than 2,000 Pastors and leaders of the church who loyal to the Triune True  God. In addition, there are Many co-workers and fellow practitioners, many from all walks of life adore the Triune True God, kind-hearted, upright and outstanding Christians, and the people who want to following God.


There are also more and more people who love the Triune True God,  kindness and upright to contacting us on the Internet.


To help everyone have the most basic, most necessary, and comprehensive and sufficient understanding of the truth of the Bible, to teach and shepherd, and to understand Bible and use the Bible truth  in life.

《Bible Study and Using The Bible Truth 》 Theology Course - English Version