Lydia  Enoch  Sweet  Family


Bible Psalms

23:1  [kjv] The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

23:2  [kjv] He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

23:3  [kjv]  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.


圣经诗 篇 

23:1[hgb] 耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 。 我 必 不 至 缺 乏 。

23:2 [hgb] 他 使 我 躺 卧 在 青 草 地 上 , 领 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 边 。

23:3 [hgb] 他 使 我 的 灵 魂 苏 醒 , 为 自 己 的 名 引 导 我 走 义 路 。


Since the end of 2009, we have been receiving Christian parents and children who come to study. We have accommodation for Christian who serve God, Christian parents and children since the beginning of 2010.


The following pictures are the brothers and sisters who came to us, used our beds, and to attend the morning Bible study and worship.



Lydia Enoch Sweet Family  -   妮蒂雅以诺甜蜜的家庭


Homeowner Full Name 屋主全名:HUIXIAN  ZHOU 

Design and Setup 设计和设置 :   LYDIA  HUIXIAN  ZHOU     ENOCH  ZHOU

Managers 管理者 :   LYDIA  HUIXIAN  ZHOU     ENOCH  ZHOU

 Address 地址 : 14600 SE 176th St  Unit D3  Renton WA USA 98058


* Reference Tip: Use Google or Apple Maps to easily follow the map instructions to get to us.



Please change the indoor shoes before entering the room. 进入房源,请更换室内鞋。


boom booking

Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
  F Room in Renton, WA, USA   Student, Worker available.   Relax in this quiet, safe and private space with the presence of the Triune God, continue to growing up in the truth way, and walking with God toge ... (Read More)
$15.00 From $10.00
Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
  H Room in Renton, WA, USA 98058   Relax in this quiet, safe and private space with the presence of the Triune God, continue to growing up in the truth way, and walking with God together.   H Room Use dail ... (Read More)
$29.00 From $19.00
Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
  R Room in Renton, WA, USA   Student, Worker available.   Relax in this quiet, safe and private space with the presence of the Triune God, continue to growing up in the truth way, and walking with God toge ... (Read More)
$29.00 From $19.00
Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
  E Room in Renton, WA, USA   Room E in Renton, Washington, USA Relax your body and mind in this quiet, safe and private space where the Trinity God is present, continue to grow in the true way, and walk with God ... (Read More)
$78.00 From $35.00

Glory to God! Thank and praise God. Over the years, many guests who have stayed at Lydia Enoch Sweet Home have given us a lot of praise directly on the spot. Thanks for love, encouragement, blessings to each other; thank you to many guests who have stayed at Lydia Enoch Sweet Family for giving us full marks on the world's leading and excellent Booking for all rating items including staff, facilities, cleanliness, comfort, value for money, and location. Thanks Booking for rating us as having an excellent location.



Welcome to book the accommodation you need at our Lydia Enoch Sweet Family to help you save more and contact us directly. Click the green button below to enter Lydia Enoch Sweet Family. 



 (* was founded in 1996 and is the world's leading accommodation booking platform. It is one of the outstanding leaders in the tourism and accommodation industry, and its services cover more than 220 countries and regions around the world. Its long operating history and recognition have made it enjoy a good reputation in the industry.)

(* 缤客 成立于 1996年,是全球领先的住宿预订平台,是旅游和住宿行业的卓越领导者之一,服务涵盖全球 220多个国家和地区。长期的运营历史和认可使其在行业内享有良好的声誉。)


缤客点评 Guest & Booking Reviews


fee Payment

清洗日常便装休闲衣服 每磅 三美元/每次7磅起 & 清洗枕套被单和清洁个人空间事项 Wash Eve
    清洗日常便服休闲运动衣服和毛巾 每磅 三美元/每次7磅起, 即每次21美元起,超过7磅以上,每磅加3美元。   每次交付清洗衣服,我们会将需要清洗的衣服和毛巾的总总量和费用告诉您。请在数量按钮上,增加到实际的数字。或按照妮蒂雅以诺甜蜜的家庭通知的金额支付。   所交付需要清洗的衣服,需要能适合使用洗衣机和烘干机来清洁和烘干, 没有顽固或特别难以清洗的污迹和不掉色。   ... (Read More)
$3.70 From $3.00
大西雅图伦顿高档联排别墅社区设有私人停车位费用/需要预订 Luxury Townhouse Comm
 大西雅图伦顿高档联排别墅社区设有私人停车位费用/需要预订, 仅供入住客人使用。 Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Renton Private Parking Is available (reservations required) Fee for Per Day. For in-house guests only.     *办理开始使用和退出 入 ... (Read More)
$78.00 From $35.00


Lydia  Enoch  Bible  Health  Private  Kitchen


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* The blankets, sheets, pillowcases, etc. of each bed and the entire usage space have been thoroughly disinfected and cleaned with safe detergents before check-in to ensure hygiene and safety.
