Pastry Cookies 曲奇饼糕点
烘焙食品供自己、家人和朋友享用; 也是适合任何场合的完美礼物,我们随时准备好送礼。 我们会将我们的产品作为礼物送给居住在美国、加拿大、波多黎各或圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛的任何人。 只需在购买时编辑送货地址,这样您的礼物就会到达预定的收件人手中。 当您告知我们您将这些作为礼物发送时,我们将不会在装运箱中包含发票或名片。Baked goods Enjoy for yourself, family, and friends; also make the perfect gift for any occasion, and our are always prepared and ready for gift giving. We will send our products as the gift from you to anyone living in the U.S. , Canada, Puerto Rico, or Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Just edit the shipping address when purchasing so your gift arrives to the intended recipient. When you let us know that you are sending these as the gift, we will not include an invoice or the business card in the shipping box.
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