产品编码 - KR002
产品重量:0.47 磅
产品尺寸:8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8 英寸
书号: 9780740301445
Publisher : USA Alpha Omega Publications
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Product ID: KR002
Item Weight : 0.47 pounds
Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8 inches
ISBN: 9780740301445
色彩缤纷的 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 4:范的稻草人在 40 个教师指导的短篇故事中教您的孩子如何使用短元音和长元音单词以及多音节单词进行阅读。用作 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 4 的伴侣。
The colorful Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 4: Van's Scarecrow teaches your child how to read using short and long-vowel words and multi-syllable words in forty teacher-guided short stories. Use as a companion to Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 4.
学习阅读可能会让一些孩子感到沮丧,但 Alpha Omega Publications 即将改变这一切!有了 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 4:范的稻草人,您的孩子会期待每天阅读!Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Books 系列四本中的第四本,包括 40 个适合幼儿学习阅读的优质故事。“范的稻草人”和其他引人入胜的故事,如“贾德给爸爸的惊喜”、“沉没的瓶子”和“马戏团猴子本尼布莱” ” 想象一下,当你们一起阅读时,
还有更多!这本精装、插图明亮的读者还将通过发人深省的问题教您的孩子阅读以理解这些问题,这些问题可以在阅读每个故事之前或之后提出。还有什么比这更好的?将乐趣带回到孩子在家上学的日子。立即将 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 4:范的稻草人添加到您的购物车!
Learning to read can be frustrating for some children, but Alpha Omega Publications is about to change all that! With Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 4: Van's Scarecrow, your child will look forward to reading every day! This fourth in a series of four companion readers to the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Books, includes 40 quality stories that are age-appropriate for young children learning to read. Phonics rules for short and long-vowel words as well as multi-syllable words are reinforced in "Van's Scarecrow" and other engaging stories such as "Judd's Surprise for Dad," "The Sunken Bottle," and "Benny Bly, the Circus Monkey." Just imagine, as you read together, your child will soon experience the thrill of sounding out more and more words on his own until he's reading completely by himself!
And there's more! This softbound, brightly illustrated reader will also teach your child to read for comprehension with thought-provoking questions that can be asked either before or after reading each story. What could be better? Put the fun back into your child's homeschooling day. Add the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 4: Van's Scarecrow to your shopping cart today!