LIFEPAC® 11th Grade 5-Subject Set 生命课程十一年级五科目套装

Product Details






Publisher :  Alpha Omega Publications






Country/Region of Manufacture:United States



Product ID:  LCS1100  

产品编码 -  LCS1100  


Product Dimensions: 18.5 x 12 x 10 inches

产品尺寸:18.5 x 12 x 10 英寸


ISBN:  9780740308802




  • 26.7 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

Build solid understanding with the LIFEPAC 11th Grade 5-Subject Set! This colorful, all-in-one set contains the five courses of Bible Doctrine, American History, English III, Algebra II, and Chemistry. Each individual subject in this Alpha Omega curriculum has ten worktexts and a teacher's guide. LIFEPAC lessons are Christ-centered and encourage mastery learning.

使用生命课程 11年级5科目套装建立牢固的理解! 这套色彩缤纷的全合一套装包含圣经学说,美国历史,英语III,代数II和化学五门课程。 这个阿尔法欧米茄课程中的每个学科都有十本学生本和一个教师指南本。 生命课程以基督为中心,鼓励掌握学习。




Want to order all your subjects for the year at once? Alpha Omega Publications has just what you need! Combined into an all-in-one set, the LIFEPAC 11th Grade 5-Subject Set contains the five courses of Bible Doctrine, American History, English III, Algebra II, and Chemistry. And it costs less than ordering subjects individually! This step-by-step, Bible-centered curriculum is based on the concept of mastery learning and offers flexibility with personalized instruction. Colorful, consumable lessons and supplemental hands-on activities make this Alpha Omega curriculum set fun and easy.

Each LIFEPAC subject contains ten separate worktexts and a teacher's guide. Filled with motivating lessons and diverse review questions, the LIFEPAC 11th Grade 5-Subject Set will give your child a solid, well-rounded education! Give your student motivating, rewarding lessons with colorful, fun worktexts. To get all the subjects you need together, we've made it simple with this one-stop offer. Just order the all-in-one LIFEPAC 11th Grade 5-Subject Set today. 




想要一次订购所有主题?阿尔法欧米茄出版物正是你所需要的! 生命课程 11年级5科目套装,包含圣经学说,美国历史,英语III,代数II和化学五门课程。而且它的成本低于单独订购主题!这一步一步的,以圣经为中心的课程是基于掌握学习的概念,并提供个性化教学的灵活性。丰富多彩的消费课程和补充动手实践活动让这款阿尔法欧米茄欧米茄课程变得轻松有趣。


每个生命课程主题包含十本学生本和一个教师指南本。充满激励的教训和丰富多彩的回顾问题,生命课程 11年级5科目套装将为您的孩子提供坚实而全面的教育!给你的学生激励,用丰富多彩,有趣的工作语文奖励课程。为了获得您需要的所有主题,我们通过此一站式服务简化了操作。只需今天订购全功能生命课程 11年级5课程套装。


What's included in this complete set ?什么包括在这完整的套装?


Scope & Sequence  课程内容范围和目录