美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 编织者 1-2-3 阅读!程序 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Weaver 1-2-3 Read! Program







产品编码 -   WR123

产品重量:3.20 磅





Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   WR123

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.20 pounds

ISBN:   9780740303593




  • 3.2 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

韦弗 1-2-3 阅读!从阅读准备开始,逐步教授字母表和自然拼读法,最后是独立阅读。Weaver 1-2-3 计划包括一本教师手册、一本学生练习册、一张带有阅读活动和歌词的活动挂图以及音乐录音。包括适用于学前班和幼儿园的易于使用的课程计划、游戏和活动。


Weaver 1-2-3 Read! begins with reading readiness, progresses to teaching the alphabet and phonics, and results in independent reading. The Weaver 1-2-3 Program includes a teacher's handbook, one student workbook, a flip chart with reading activities and song lyrics, and music recordings. Easy-to-use lesson plans, games, and activities are included for preschool and kindergarten.



韦弗 1-2-3 阅读!是一个完整的拼音课程,旨在让您的孩子走上独立阅读圣经的道路。能够阅读上帝的话语是非常重要的。用1-2-3读!您的孩子将会朝着这个目标迈进!这是它的工作原理。第一节带您浏览一系列发展技能,以评估您的孩子是否准备好学习阅读。有趣的活动和练习可以让您的孩子感到兴奋。第二部分让您的孩子了解字母表中的字母和短元音。由于在这个阶段建议进行大量阅读练习,我们建议您购买 Alpha Omega Publications 提供的 Early Bible Readers Level 1,以补充 1-2-3 阅读的这一部分!第三部分将引导您的孩子完成剩余的语音规则。

1-2-3 阅读!配有教师手册中的说明和课程计划、带有阅读活动和歌词的活动挂图、包含活动挂图歌曲的音乐录音,以及一本包含木偶图案、抽认卡和故事的学生练习册,供您的孩子学习读。顺序 1-2-3 阅读!今天来自 Alpha Omega Publications,发现拼音的乐趣!


Weaver 1-2-3 Read! is a complete phonics program designed to set your child on the path to reading the Bible independently. Being able to read the Word of God is quite important. With 1-2-3 Read! your child will be on his way to accomplishing that goal! Here's how it works. Section one takes you through a list of development skills to assess your child's readiness to learn to read. Fun activities and exercises are used to keep things exciting for your child. Section two takes your child through the letters of the alphabet and short vowel sounds. Since much reading practice is recommended at this stage, we suggest that you invest in the Early Bible Readers Level 1 available through Alpha Omega Publications, to supplement this section of 1-2-3 Read! Section three takes your child through the remaining phonics rules.

1-2-3 Read! comes complete with instructions and lesson plans in the teacher's handbook, a flip chart with reading activities and song lyrics, music recordings that include the songs from the flip chart, and a student workbook with puppet patterns, flash cards, and stories for your child to read. Order 1-2-3 Read! from Alpha Omega Publications today and discover the fun of phonics!


  • 单元学习
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 多年龄段教学的专题方法

At a Glance

  • Unit studies
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Topical approach for teaching multiple ages



  • 基于单元的基督教课程
  • K-6 年级卷
  • 7-12 年级的补充
  • 每日圣经主题



  • Unit-based Christian Curriculum
  • Volumes for Grades K-6
  • Supplements for Grades 7-12
  • Daily Bible Themes






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