大西雅图伦顿高档联排别墅社区设有私人停车位费用/需要预订 Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Renton Private Parking Is available (reservations required) Fee for Per Day.

 大西雅图伦顿高档联排别墅社区设有私人停车位费用/需要预订, 仅供入住客人使用。

Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Renton Private Parking Is available (reservations required) Fee for Per Day. For in-house guests only.




入住日期第一天的下午 12:30 PM - 8:0OPM 办理入住

入住日期的最后一天的第二天早上 8:00AM-11:30AM 办理退出 

Get Start to use and check-out

Get Start to use from 12:30 PM - 20:00 PM on the first day of the check-in date

Check out 8:00AM - 11:30AM on the morning of the last day of your stay


* 请留意,我们的地址无法用于客人办理银行账户,驾驶执照,代收各类信件等任何的事务。客人不可以使用我们的地址办理任何事务。当有人违反这个规则,将无法收回押金,并需要根据实际情况支付赔偿款项。当客人有需要的时候,可以参考相关建议,在相关代收信件和快递的营运机构办理个人邮箱,驾驶学校等机构办理个人事务。

   Please note that our address cannot be used for guests to handle bank accounts, driver's licenses, collect various letters, etc. Guests cannot use our address to handle any matters. When someone violates this rule, the deposit will not be recovered and compensation will be required according to the actual situation. When guests need it, they can refer to relevant suggestions and apply for a personal mailbox at the relevant letter collection and express delivery operating agency.



  • 可售




我们这里有包括有三一真神同在的福乐教会和相关基督教教育院校。我们是在2004年神所呼召的传道人屋主妈妈姊妹和在2010年神所呼召的一位青年牧者同工儿子弟兄住在这里,我们是第四代和第五代基督徒,我们有已经编写了200多本和正在继续编写更多的圣经灵修小册子书籍,在亚马逊上售卖多时;我们正在进行电脑编程研究已经很多年;我们也是多年来已经屡获国际性奖项殊荣的艺术设计师和正在用电脑做我们的品牌的基督徒礼品的设计,我们也研究营养学和烹饪很多年。我们有一只白色中型爱斯基摩犬,有时白天可能会低声吠叫几下。他在自己的房间范围里,有时到户外。晚上基本上安静。我们与世界各个角落的人联系的机会,享受与世界各地的人相聚的时光,为你祈祷,更盼望我们都成为是神的儿女,同享神不断赐下丰盛福乐的人生,每一个宝贵的平安喜乐的日子,和将来在美好无比的天家永远在一起。我们的目标是为有需要和适合的你提供温暖、实惠和安全的大家庭。多年来,已经有很多人来住过都一致赞誉,是一个友善友好的住处。我们灵活地与客人互动,享受您的住宿,如有需要,随时联系我们。谢谢,~妮蒂雅以诺甜蜜家庭~ 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系您的房东,以帮助您享受体验。




妮蒂雅&以诺的甜蜜家庭联排别墅非常适合男青年基督徒们慕道者们最喜爱房间提供长期使用,适合青年们的团契,为来聚会敬拜,学习圣经参加查经班,谈道交通,祷告代祷,日常工作生活学习。已经来住过的青年基督徒慕道者们都一致赞誉,是一个友善友好的住处。妮蒂雅&以诺的甜蜜家庭联排别墅坐落在美国华盛顿州大西雅图地区美丽的华盛顿湖南边, 位于一个宁静和有24小时视频和保安绿化工作人员来管理维护安全社区。这里是含氧量非常高的天然氧吧,周围环绕着有好些美丽高大的松树和秋天美丽多彩的树。这里生活便利,从这里悠闲漫步5-7分钟即可到达可轻松抵达Safeway等超市、各样迷人餐厅,精品店和热闹的咖啡馆;大约十几分钟车程还有99华人超市,超级沃尔玛Super Walmart超市等等。这里地理位置优越,位于大西雅图地区伦顿的现代化度假胜地中心位置,距离塔科玛国际机场7.6英里,波音伦顿厂房6英里,波音飞行场15英里,西雅图市中心14英里,微软公司14英里,贝尔维尤15英里,轻松到达大西雅图各个热门旅游景点;户外活动爱好者可以到奥林匹克,瀑布和雷尼尔山欣赏壮丽景色,而田径运动爱好者则可以探索许多徒步旅行和山地自行车道,还有许多博物馆,商店供您探索,驾车短途即可轻松到达充满活力的西雅图市中心和贝尔维尤,快速到达塔科马。便利的巴士站仅需步行7-9分钟。 交通便利,Uber, Lyft等。下载谷歌手机地图或者苹果手机地图对于户外活动来说简单方便。在我们宁静的空间里,舒适与便利融为一体。欢迎您的 Renton 奇妙人生旅程从这里开始!您将拥有非常舒适健康的休养生息和性价比超高超高超高! 我们帮助维护甜蜜家庭生活,健康养生的生活方式,为工作,学习,休息好和补充好能量,拥有大自然的恩惠和城市的繁华的便利。我们的妮蒂雅以诺圣经与健康私厨提供付费点餐帮助,我们也提供洗衣机烘干机可清洗衣物和床上用品的付费帮助服务。我们的这个房间配有个人独立使用的设施,私密性好,配套有共享的干湿分区舒适的淋浴间,旨在提供宁静、现代和舒适的居住空间,如果您的家人或朋友计划住在附近,欢迎他们预订我们的复式房间。当您需要停车位置,请将车辆停靠在街边停车位,或者附近购物中心的停车位置,并请遵守所有停车指南。





























我們這裡有包括三一真神同在的福樂教會和相關基督教教育院校。我們是在2004年神所呼召的傳道人屋主媽媽姊妹和在2010年神所呼召的一位青年牧者同工兒子弟兄住在這裡,我們是第四代和第五代基督徒,我們有已經寫了200多本和正在繼續寫更多的聖經靈修小冊子書籍,在亞馬遜上售賣多時;我們正在進行電腦程式設計研究已經很多年;我們也是多年來已經屢獲國際性獎項殊榮的藝術設計師和正在用電腦做我們的品牌的基督徒禮品的設計,我們也研究營養學和烹飪很多年。我們有一隻白色中型愛斯基摩犬,有時白天可能會低聲吠叫幾下。他在自己的房間範圍裡,有時到戶外。晚上基本上安靜。我們與世界各個角落的人聯繫的機會,享受與世界各地的人相聚的時光,為你祈禱,更盼望我們都成為是神的兒女,同享神不斷賜下豐盛福樂的人生,每一個寶貴的平安喜樂的日子,和將來在美好無比的天家永遠在一起。我們的目標是為有需要和適合的你提供溫暖、實惠和安全的大家庭。多年來,已經有很多人來住過都一致讚譽,是個友善友善的住處。我們靈活地與客人互動,享受您的住宿,如有需要,隨時與我們聯繫。謝謝,~妮蒂雅以諾甜蜜家庭~ 如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請聯繫您的房東,以幫助您享受體驗。





妮蒂雅&以諾的甜蜜家庭聯排別墅的房间非常適合男青年基督徒们慕道者们最喜爱房间提供长期使用,适合青年们的团契,为来聚会敬拜,学习圣经参加查经班,谈道交通,祷告代祷,日常工作生活学习。已经来住过的青年基督徒慕道者们都一致赞誉,是一个友善友好的住处。妮蒂雅&以諾的甜蜜家庭聯排別墅坐落在美國華盛頓州大西雅圖地區美麗的華盛頓湖南邊, 位於一個寧靜和有24小時視頻和保安綠化工作人員來管理維護安全社區。這裡是含氧量非常高的天然氧吧,周圍環繞著有好些美麗高大的松樹和秋天美麗多彩的樹。這裡生活便利,從這裡悠閒漫步5-7分鐘即可到達可輕鬆抵達Safeway等超市、各樣迷人餐廳,精品店和熱鬧的咖啡館;大約十幾分鐘車程還有99華人超市,超級沃爾瑪Super Walmart超市等等。這裡地理位置優越,位於大西雅圖地區倫頓的現代化度假勝地中心位置,距離塔科瑪國際機場7.6英里,波音倫頓廠房6英里,波音飛行場15英里,西雅圖市中心14英里,微軟公司14英里,貝爾維尤15英里,輕鬆到達大西雅圖各個熱門旅遊景點;戶外活動愛好者可以到奧林匹克,瀑布和雷尼爾山欣賞壯麗景色,而田徑運動愛好者則可以探索許多徒步旅行和山地自行車道,還有許多博物館,商店供您探索,開車短途即可輕鬆抵達充滿活力的西雅圖市中心和貝爾維尤,快速抵達塔科馬。便利的巴士站僅需步行7-9分鐘。 交通便利,Uber, Lyft等。下載Google手機地圖或蘋果手機地圖對於戶外活動來說簡單方便。在我們寧靜的空間裡,舒適與便利融為一體。歡迎您的 Renton 奇妙人生旅程從這裡開始!您將擁有非常舒適健康的休養生息和性價比超高超高超高! 我們幫助維護甜蜜家庭生活,健康養生的生活方式,為工作,學習,休息好和補充好能量,擁有大自然的恩惠和城市的繁華的便利。我們的妮蒂雅以諾聖經與健康私廚提供付費點餐幫助,我們也提供洗衣機烘乾機可清洗衣物和床上用品的付費幫助服務。我們有三套學象主耶穌基督在地上時候當木匠的木工藝術作品複式房間,是2024年,我們在神的祝福帶領下,採用對人體健康,環保的現代精品木材,建材和裝修材料,親手手工精心製作,每間複式房間配有個人獨立使用的設施,私密性好,配套有共享的干濕分區舒適的淋浴間,旨在提供寧靜、現代和舒適的居住空間,如果您的家人或朋友計劃住在附近,歡迎他們預訂我們的複式房間。































We have the Fuller Church and related Christian educational institutions where the Triune True God is present. We are the mother sister of the townhouse who are preacher called by God in 2004 and the son brother who are young co-worker called by God in 2010. We are the fourth and fifth generation Christians. We have written more than 200 books and are continuing to write more Bible spiritual booklets, which have been sold on Amazon for a long time. We have been studying computer programming for many years. We are also art designers who have won international awards for many years and are using computers to design Christian gifts for our brand. We are experts in nutrition and cooking for many years.We have a medium-sized Eskimo dog, which may bark a few times during the day. He is in his room and sometimes goes outdoors. He is basically quiet at night. We cherish the chance to connect with people from all corners of the world, enjoy the time to gather with people from all over the world, Pray for you, and hope that we can all become children of God, share the abundant blessings and happiness that God has continuously bestowed on us, every precious day of peace and joy, and be together forever in the beautiful heaven in the future. Our goal is to provide a warm, affordable and safe home for those who need it and are suitable. Over the years, many people have come to stay and have praised here as a friendly and friendly place to stay. Each duplex room is equipped with facilities for individual independent use, good privacy, and a shared dry and wet partition comfortable shower room, designed to provide a quiet, modern and comfortable living space. If your family or friends plan to live nearby, they are welcome to book our other duplex rooms. We are flexible on interact with our guest, enjoy your stay, reach out anytime if you need. Thank you, ~Lydia & Enoch Sweet Family ~ Contact your host when you have questions or concerns to help you enjoy your experience.



About Lydia Enoch Sweet Family Room


The room of Lydia Enoch Sweet Home Townhouse is very suitable for young Christian catechumens is provided for long-term use and is suitable for young people's fellowship. They can gather to worship, study the Bible, participate in Bible study classes, talk and fellowship, pray and intercede, and study in daily work and life. The young Christian catechumens who have stayed here all praise it as a friendly and friendly place to stay. Lydia Enoch Sweet Family Townhouse is located on the south side of the beautiful Lake Washington in the Greater Seattle area of Washington State, USA. It is located in a quiet and safe community managed and maintained by 24-hour video and security greening staff. This is a natural oxygen bar with very high oxygen content, surrounded by many beautiful tall pine trees and beautiful and colorful trees in autumn. Life here is convenient. It is a leisurely 5-7 minute stroll from here to easily reach supermarkets such as Safeway, various charming restaurants, boutiques and lively cafes; about ten minutes drive away, there are also 99 Chinese supermarkets, Super Walmart supermarkets, etc. The location is excellent, located in the heart of the modern resort of Renton in the greater Seattle area, 7.6 miles from Tacoma International Airport, 6 miles from Boeing Renton Plant, 15 miles from Boeing Flight Field, 14 miles from downtown Seattle, 14 miles from Microsoft, 15 miles from Bellevue, and easy access to various popular tourist attractions in Greater Seattle; outdoor activity enthusiasts can enjoy the magnificent views of the Olympics, Falls and Mount Rainier, while track and field enthusiasts can explore many hiking and mountain biking trails, and there are many museums and shops for you to explore. It is easy to reach the vibrant downtown Seattle and Bellevue by car, and quickly reach Tacoma. Convenient bus stops are only 7-9 minutes walk. Convenient transportation, Uber, Lyft, etc., Downloading Google Mobile Maps or Apple Mobile Maps is simple and convenient for outdoor activities. Comfort and convenience are integrated in our quiet space. Welcome to your wonderful life journey in Renton from here! You will have a very comfortable and healthy recuperation and super high cost performance! We help maintain a sweet family life, a healthy and healthy lifestyle, for work, study, rest and replenishment of energy, with the grace of nature and the convenience of the city's prosperity. Our Lydia Enoch Bible Health Private Kitchen provides paid ordering assistance, and we also provide paid assistance services for washing clothes and bedding with washing machines and dryers. Our three sets of duplex rooms that imitate the woodworking art works of the Lord Jesus Christ when he was a carpenter on earth are 2024. Under the blessing and guidance of God, we use modern fine wood, building materials and decoration materials that are healthy and environmentally friendly to the human body. They are carefully handcrafted by hand. Each duplex room is equipped with facilities for individual independent use, good privacy, and a shared dry and wet partition comfortable shower room, designed to provide a quiet, modern and comfortable living space. If your family or friends plan to live nearby, they are welcome to book our duplex rooms. When you need a parking space, please park your vehicle in a street parking space or a parking space in a nearby shopping mall, and please follow all parking guidelines.


Nearby beautiful tourist attractions:


Boeing Airfield 

Pike Place Market

Seattle Art Museum

Seattle Aquarium

Space Needle

Washington State Ferries

Seattle Fisherman's Wharf

CenturyLink Field

Cary Park

Experience Music Museum

Museum of Flight

Seattle Central Library

University of Washington

Chihuly Garden and Glass

Pacific Science Center

Lake Washington

Mount Rainier National Park

Olympic National Park

Microsoft Headquarters

Alki Beach Park

Smith Tower

Seattle Japanese Garden

Snoqualmie Falls

Bellevue Botanical Gardens

Amazon Seattle Sphere

and more

复式房间  Duplex Rooms

Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
R Room in Renton, WA, USA   Student, Worker available.   Relax in this quiet, safe and private space with the presence of the Triune God, continue to growing up in the truth way, and walking with God together. ... (Read More)
$29.00 From $19.00
Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
  F Room in Renton, WA, USA   Student, Worker available.   Relax in this quiet, safe and private space with the presence of the Triune God, continue to growing up in the truth way, and walking with God toge ... (Read More)
$15.00 From $10.00
Luxury Townhouse Community in Greater Seattle Rent
美国华盛顿州伦顿学象主耶稣基督在地上做木匠的木工艺术复式H房间   在这个三一神同在的宁静安全的私密性好的空间里尽情放松身心,真道上持续长进,一起与神同行。   H房间使用维护费   房间配有床铺 有带锁床头柜 床单,法兰绒毛毯(或棉被)和枕头 衣橱步级楼梯 蒸煮多功能智能锅 3.5升带冷冻室双门冰箱 水龙头流出来的是可 ... (Read More)
$29.00 From $19.00