美国阿尔法欧米伽出版社 地平线视野课程一年级拼音和阅读学生读物2 USA ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATIONS Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2







产品编码 -   JPR012

产品重量:0.95 磅

产品尺寸:10.75 x 9.0 x 0.5 英寸

书号: 9780740303227




Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:  JPR012

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 0.95 pounds

Product Dimensions:  10.75 x 9.0 x 0.5  inches

ISBN:  9780740303227




  • 0.95 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1


使用 Horizons 一年级拼音和阅读学生读物 2:树林中的鹿,释放您孩子对阅读的热爱。八十个基于拼音的故事,包括“树林里的鹿”、“基普,一只顽皮的小狗”、“闪亮的贝壳”、“游行”等等!用作 Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 2 的配套资源。


Unlock your child's love of reading with the Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2: The Deer in the Woods. Eighty phonics-based stories include "The Deer in the Woods," "Kip, A Playful Puppy," "Shiny Shells," "The Parade," and more! Use as a companion resource to Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 2.




Horizons 一年级自然拼音和阅读学生读物 2:树林中的鹿等待着您的孩子发现精彩的时刻。看着您在家上学的孩子踏上新的冒险之旅,并在学习阅读 80 篇基于自然拼音的有趣短篇小说时提高阅读技能。这本充满乐趣的读物中的每个有趣故事都强调敬虔的品格品质和强烈的道德价值观,强化了 Horizons 一年级拼音与阅读学生用书 2 第 81-160 课中教授的拼音规则。因此,您的孩子将能够听起来生词,提高阅读流畅度,增加阅读理解力。最终,当他独自阅读每个故事时,他会从中获得很多乐趣,他会想多读几遍!

但还有更多!易于阅读的字体对孩子的眼睛很温和,彩色插图让您的孩子着迷。更重要的是,这本充满乐趣的读物中的每个故事在最后都有令人兴奋的综合问题和复习问题。那你为什么要等?为自己发现这个惊人的家庭教育阅读课程资源。立即将 Alpha Omega Publications 的 Horizons 一年级拼音和阅读学生读物 2 添加到您的购物车!



Outstanding moments of discovery await your child with the Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2: The Deer in the Woods. Watch your homeschool child walk into new adventures and improve reading skills as he learns to read with 80 delightful, phonics-based short stories. Emphasizing godly character qualities and strong moral values, each entertaining story in this fun-filled reader reinforces phonics rules taught in lessons 81-160 in the Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Book 2. As a result, your child will be able to sound out new words, improve his reading fluency, and increase his reading comprehension. Eventually, he'll have so much fun as he reads each story alone, he'll want to reread them several times over!

But there's more! Easy-to-read font is gentle on young eyes and colorful illustrations keep your child captivated. What's more, each story in this fun-filled reader has exciting comprehensive and review questions located at the end. So why are you waiting? Discover this amazing homeschooling reading curriculum resource for yourself. Add a copy of the Horizons 1st Grade Phonics & Reading Student Reader 2 from Alpha Omega Publications to your shopping cart today!



  • 打印工作簿
  • 螺旋式学习形式
  • 教师主导的课程
  • 彩色插图

At a Glance

  • Print workbooks
  • Spiral learning format
  • Teacher-led curriculum
  • Colorful illustrations


  • 基督教工作簿课程
  • PreK-12 年级
  • 基于螺旋式强化学习
  • 教师指导课程
  • 实践活动
  • 健康和体育选修课


  • Christian Workbook Curriculum
  • Grades PreK-12
  • Spiral-based to Reinforce Learning
  • Teacher-directed Curriculum
  • Hands-on Activities
  • Health and Physical Education Electives