产品编码 - KR003
产品重量:0.45 磅
产品尺寸:8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8 英寸
书号: 9780740301438
Publisher : USA Alpha Omega Publications
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Product ID: KR003
Item Weight : 0.45 pounds
Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 8.0 x 0.8 inches
ISBN: 9780740301438
使用色彩缤纷的 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 3:Clem's Snake 阅读您孩子最喜欢的科目。该阅读器在 40 个教师指导的短篇小说中结合了短元音和长元音单词以及更复杂的多音节单词。用作 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 3 的伴侣。
Make reading your child's favorite subject with the colorful Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 3: Clem's Snake. This reader combines short and long-vowel words plus more complex multi-syllable words in 40 teacher-guided short stories. Use as a companion to Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Book 3.
使用 Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读读物 3:Clem's Snake,让您的孩子获得良好的阅读技巧。Horizons 幼儿园拼音和阅读学生书籍系列的四本同伴读者中的第三本使用包括短元音和长元音单词以及多音节单词的故事系统地加强了拼音规则。《克莱姆的蛇》和这本读物中其他引人入胜的故事,如《赫伯的露营之旅》、《德克的自行车之旅》和《看门狗面包》会让您的孩子每天都期待阅读。当你们一起阅读时,您的孩子很快就会体验到自己读出越来越多单词的快感,直到他完全独立阅读为止!
但还有更多好消息!这本装订精美、插图明亮的读者还可以通过发人深省的问题来教您的孩子阅读理解技能,这些问题可以在阅读每个故事之前或之后提出。听起来像您正在寻找的幼儿园读者?使用 Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 3:Clem's Snake 教您的孩子阅读很容易。今天就从 Alpha Omega Publications 订购您的图书,了解为什么从头到尾,这位早期读者是家庭教育的最爱!
Give your child the advantage of good reading skills with the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 3: Clem's Snake. This third in a series of four companion readers to the Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Student Books systemically reinforces phonics rules using stories that include short and long-vowel words and multi-syllable words. "Clem's Snake" and other engaging stories in this reader such as "Herb's Camping Trip," "Dirk's Bike Ride," and "Loaf, the Watch Dog" will have your child looking forward to reading every day. As you read together, your child will soon experience the thrill of sounding out more and more words on his own until he's reading completely by himself!
But there's more good news! This soft bound, brightly illustrated reader also teaches your child reading comprehension skills with thought-provoking questions that can be asked either before or after reading each story. Sound like the kindergarten reader you're looking for? Teaching your child to read is easy with Horizons Kindergarten Phonics & Reading Reader 3: Clem's Snake. Order yours today from Alpha Omega Publications and discover why, from start to finish, this early reader is a homeschooling favorite!