Product Details
Publisher : Alpha Omega Publications
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Product ID: BIB1100
产品编码 - BIB1100
Product Dimensions: 11.22 x 8.46 x 1.85 inches
产品尺寸:11.22 x 8.46 x 1.85 英寸
Item Weight : 3.30 pounds
产品重量:3.30 磅
ISBN: 9781580956338
想用 LIFEPAC 工作文本教你的十一年级学生一门深入的 KJV 圣经课程,但又不想得到老师的指导?看看 LIFEPAC 圣经 10 单元套装!这十本可消费的印刷品工作文本是独立学习者的理想选择,包含一整年引人入胜的 Alpha Omega 课程、评论和测试。
Want to teach your eleventh grader an in-depth KJV Bible course with LIFEPAC worktexts, but don't want the teacher's guide? Take a look at the LIFEPAC Bible 10-Unit Set! These ten consumable, print-based worktexts are ideal for the independent learner and contain a full year of engaging Alpha Omega curriculum lessons, reviews, and tests.
你想用 LIFEPAC worktext 家庭学校课程教你的学生圣经课程吗?已经有老师的指导?没问题。Alpha Omega Publications 拥有您所需要的:LIFEPAC 圣经 10 套!这套全年套装包含十本以学生为导向的自定进度的工作文本,可帮助您的孩子培养基督教世界观并学习改变生活的日常生活原则。这个基于英王钦定本的 Alpha Omega 课程易于使用且易于理解,您会对涵盖上帝信实的引人入胜的课程印象深刻;罗马书; 耶稣基督的教义;以色列国;佳能的历史;友谊、约会和婚姻关系;对幸福的追求; 以及来自不信的世界的不可知论问题的答案。
LIFEPAC 圣经 10 单元套装还有更多功能,因此深受在家上学家庭的欢迎。与传统的笨重教科书不同,平装 LIFEPAC 工作文本超薄、紧凑且易于处理。它们易于管理的尺寸使活跃的在家上学的学生在旅途中可以轻松携带!此外,每个可消耗的 LIFEPAC 工作文本都可以在短短 3 或 4 周内轻松完成。所以不要拖延。立即将最畅销的 LIFEPAC 圣经 10 套添加到您的购物车!
Do you want to teach your student Bible lessons with the LIFEPAC worktext homeschool curriculum? Already have the teacher's guide? No problem. Alpha Omega Publications has just what you need: the LIFEPAC Bible 10-Unit Set! This full-year set contains ten self-paced, student-directed worktexts that help your child develop a Christian worldview and learn life-changing principles for daily living. This King James Version-based Alpha Omega curriculum is easy to use and easy to understand, and you'll be impressed with the engaging lessons that cover the faithfulness of God; Romans; the doctrine of Jesus Christ; the nation of Israel; the history of the Canon; friendship, dating, and marriage relationships; the pursuit of happiness; and answers to agnostic questions from an unbelieving world. And your child will be captivated with the interesting illustrations, maps, and intriguing activities that build his knowledge of the Bible, the world, and himself.
There are more features that make the LIFEPAC Bible 10-Unit Set so popular with homeschooling families. Unlike a traditional bulky textbook, soft-cover LIFEPAC worktexts are ultra slim, compact, and easy to handle. Their manageable size makes them easily portable for the active homeschool student on the go! Plus each consumable LIFEPAC worktext can easily be completed in just 3 or 4 short weeks. So don't delay. Add the best-selling LIFEPAC Bible 10-Unit Set to your shopping cart today!