LIFEPAC® 学生记录本 Student Record Book







产品编码 -   AR8602


产品尺寸:8.25 x 0.5 x 10.75 英寸





Publisher :  USA Alpha Omega Publications


Country/Region of Manufacture:United States

Product ID:   AR8602

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.05 pounds

Product Dimensions:  8.25 x 0.5 x 10.75 inches

ISBN: 9780740303524






  • 1.05 lb
  • 可售
  • Ships within 3-7 days1

用 LIFEPAC 课程教您的学生?需要一点帮助来保持成绩、作业和工作井井有条吗?那么您需要 LIFEPAC 学生记录簿!这个方便的 Alpha Omega 课程资源包括用于记录测试分数、日常作业、完成的作业和其他作业的栏部分。包括四分之一的页面。

Teaching your student with the LIFEPAC curriculum? Need a little help keeping grades, assignments, and work organized? Then you need the LIFEPAC Student Record Book! This handy Alpha Omega curriculum resource includes column sections for logging test scores, daily assignments, completed work, and additional assignments. Includes pages for one quarter.



您是否难以跟踪学生的 LIFEPAC 成绩和分数?需要一种家庭学校资源来帮助您将这些重要信息记录在一本易于查找的小册子中吗?如果是这样,Alpha Omega Publications 会为您提供答案。这是 LIFEPAC 学生记录簿!这本方便的小册子为一个季度(或半学期)制作,包含用于记录教学天数、每日作业、考试成绩和其他杂项作业的栏目部分。这本易于使用的 Alpha Omega 课程小册子包括清晰的说明,还包括每个 LIFEPAC 科目的测试和自测记录表,以及一周中每一天的每日日志。听起来不错吧?

如果您一直在寻找一本参考手册来记录您学生的 LIFEPAC 成绩和分数,那么 LIFEPAC 学生记录簿正是您所需要的!您不仅可以使用这本小册子轻松跟踪您学生的进步,而且您还将记录这些重要信息以用于国家法规和将来的目的,例如为您的学生注册大学。这不是很好吗?想象一下,不必再为成绩和分数争先恐后了!使用 LIFEPAC 学生记录簿,您将在一本易于查找的小册子中拥有您需要的一切。因此,如果您仍然在令人困惑的笔记本或电子表格中记录成绩,或者更糟的是,根本没有,那么您今天就需要购买价格实惠的 LIFEPAC 学生记录簿!立即将其添加到您的购物车。


Are you having trouble keeping track of your student's LIFEPAC grades and scores? Need a homeschool resource that will help you document this important information in one easy-to-find booklet? If so, Alpha Omega Publications has the answer for you. It's the LIFEPAC Student Record Book! This handy booklet, made for one quarter (or half-semester), contains column sections for recording the number of instructional days, daily assignments, test scores, and additional miscellaneous assignments. Including clear instructions, this easy-to-use Alpha Omega curriculum booklet also includes log sheets for tests and self tests in each LIFEPAC subject, along with a daily log for each day of the week. Doesn't that sound great?

If you've been looking for a reference booklet to record your student's LIFEPAC grades and scores, the LIFEPAC Student Record Book is just what you need! Not only will you be able to easily track your student's progress with this booklet, but you will also have this important information recorded for state regulations and for future purposes like enrolling your student in college. Isn't that wonderful? Imagine not having to scramble around for grades and scores anymore! With the LIFEPAC Student Record Book, you'll have everything you need in one, easy-to-locate booklet. So if you're still recording grades in a confusing notebook or spreadsheet, or worse, not at all, you need to get the affordable LIFEPAC Student Record Book today! Add it to your cart now.


  • 打印工作文本
  • 基于掌握的学习形式
  • 综合课程计划
  • 自定进度,独立学习

At a Glance

  • Print worktexts
  • Mastery-based learning format
  • Integrated lesson plans
  • Self-paced, independent study


  • 基督教工作文本课程
  • K-12 年级
  • 基于精通
  • 5个主要科目
  • 许多选修课
  • 自定进度


  • Christian Worktext Curriculum
  • Grades K-12
  • Mastery-based
  • 5 Main Subjects
  • Numerous Electives
  • Self-paced




Scope and Sequence