产品编码 - JSC100
产品重量:3.20 磅
产品尺寸:11.0 x 8.5 x 3.4 英寸
书号: 9780740302152
Publisher : USA Alpha Omega Publications
Country/Region of Manufacture:United States
Product ID: JSC100
Item Weight : 3.20 pounds
Product Dimensions: 11.0 x 8.5 x 3.4 inches
ISBN: 9780740302152
想让孩子留下深刻印象?使用 Alpha Omega Publications 的 Horizons 1st Grade Spelling & Vocabulary 教他拼写和有效交流。学生练习册包含 160 节色彩缤纷的课程,带有穿孔页面,便于移除。套装还包括拼写词典和教师指南。
Want your child to leave a lasting impression? Teach him to spell and communicate effectively with Horizons 1st Grade Spelling & Vocabulary from Alpha Omega Publications. Student workbook contains 160 colorful lessons with perforated pages for easy removal. Set also includes spelling dictionary and teacher's guide.
使用 Horizons 一年级拼写和词汇套装激励您的孩子成为一名优秀的拼写者。色彩缤纷的学生工作簿中引人注目的课程和动手学习活动通过填字游戏、单词搜索和创意写作项目让拼写变得有趣。此外,您的孩子在学习拼写常用单词、常见单词、语音单词和包含押韵模式的单词列表时,会对写其他科目的日常作业更有信心。更重要的是,易于使用的拼写词典将使一年级学生熟悉字母顺序和拼写单词的含义,因为他看到单词在句子的上下文中使用。
但还有更多!Horizons 一年级拼写和词汇集还包括一个有用的、循序渐进的教师指南。每天的课程计划都清楚地概述了具体目标、实用教学技巧和建议的学习活动。此外,您会喜欢用于批改日常作业的便利答案键以及包括练习复习工作表和拼音规则抽认卡在内的可复制教具。您的孩子有什么理由不能成为一个好的拼写者吗?不适用于 Horizons 一年级拼写和词汇集。立即订购并扩展您孩子的语言技能!
Motivate your child to be a good speller with the Horizons 1st Grade Spelling & Vocabulary Set. Eye-catching lessons and hands-on learning activities in the colorful student workbook make spelling fun with crossword puzzles, word searches, and creative writing projects. Plus your child will feel more confident about writing daily assignments in other subjects as he learns to spell frequently-used words, sight words, phonetic words, and word lists containing rhyming patterns. What's more, the easy-to-use spelling dictionary will familiarize your first grader with alphabetizing and the meaning of spelling words as he sees them used within the context of a sentence.
But there's more! The Horizons 1st Grade Spelling and Vocabulary Set also includes a helpful, step-by-step teacher's guide. Daily lessons plans are clearly outlined with specific goals, practical teaching tips, and suggested learning activities. Plus, you'll love the handy answer keys for correcting daily assignments and the reproducible teaching aids that include practice review worksheets and phonics rules flashcards. Is there any reason your child can't be a good speller? Not with the Horizons 1st Grade Spelling & Vocabulary Set. Order yours today and expand your child's language skills!