圣经诗篇 92:8 [hgb]
惟 您 耶 和 华 是 至 高, 直 到 永 远。
圣 经 约 翰 福 音 3:16 [hgb]
神 爱 世 人,甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。
圣 经 箴 言 16:6 [hgb]
敬 畏 耶 和 华 的 , 远 离 恶 事 。
圣经约翰福音 17:3 [hgb]
认 识 您 独 一 的 真 神 , 并 且 认 识 您 所 差 来 的 耶 稣 基 督 , 这 就 是 永 生 。
Bible Psalms 92:8 [kjv]
But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore.
Bible John 3:16 [kjv]
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Bible Proverbs 16: 6 [kjv]
By the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
Bible John 17:3 [kjv]
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
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#福乐教会 #周慧贤传道
* Love Announcement
Thank you for watching the Sunday messages of Fuller Church. May the blessings of these messages come to you. The messages of the Preacher of Fuller Church have pastored many brothers and sisters around the world for many years. Thank the Triune True God for using them to send grace and blessings to you. Please support and respect the communication ministry of the Fuller Church, and don't use the copyrighted content of the Fuller Church arbitrarily. When you have any questions, please contact the Fuller Church.
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Thank you again for your participation.
May the Triune True God blessings you and with us to continue walking with God each day, receive more blessings from God, and experience God's great love and mighty presence!
从前风闻有您,现在亲眼看见您 - 普通话 I 周慧贤传道 I 20210523
神给信息生孩子起名叫以诺 - 普通话 I 周慧贤传道 I 20210530
哈利路亚!很多年前,神有话对妮蒂雅说:“无论到那里,都要做我的见证。” 2013年的一天,神有话对妮蒂雅说:“ 在这里,会有好些人来采访你们。” 以下是神带领祝福的,在2013年-2015年期间,著名媒体&制片人&记者采访妮蒂雅和以诺的信息。
Hallelujah! Many years ago, God had words to Lydia: “Wherever you go, be my witness.” One day in 2013, God had words to Lydia: “Here, many people will come to interview you.” The following is the information that God led to blessing Lydia and Enoch, during 2013-2015, well-known media & producers & reporters interviewed Lydia and Enoch.
Hallelujah! On October 18, 2013, the chief reporter and producer of Guangzhou Nandu Multimedia led a team to interview Lydia Zhou and Enoch Zhou, and made it into the micro film. It was published on November 18, 2013 and was reported by more than a dozen famous media simultaneously. There have been hundreds of thousands of hits on the intranet, and won the Gold Award in the second China Micro Film Competition that year.
* 2023年7月12日早上,妮蒂雅传道与以诺同工谈话,问及这个微电影中,以诺关于妮蒂雅说祈祷神给他好老婆的时候说的:“不要”言论。以诺解释说,他那个时候那样说,是因为他那个时候只有七岁多,他要专注学业,所以那样说。妮蒂雅解析说,那时候说的不是当时那个时候娶好老婆,也是说他长大了的时候娶好老婆。以诺说,所以,他的意思也是说,现在他渐渐地在长大了,他会留意神的带领,看看神带领他娶神所预备的好老婆。
On the morning of July 12, 2023, Preacher Lydia had a conversation with Enoch co-worker,and talked about the "don't" remarks that Lydia said about when she prayed for God to give him good wife in this microfilm. Enoch explained that he said that at that time because he was only seven years old at that time, and he wanted to focus on his studies, so he said that. Lydia explained that what she said at that time was not about he will marrying good wife at that time, but also about marrying good wife when he grew up. Enoch also said, therefore, what he meant was that now that he is growing up gradually, he will pay attention to God’s leading and see how God leads him to marry good wife prepared by God.
Hallelujah! In Nov.2014, the Guangzhou Daily Newspaper interviewed Lydia Zhou and Enoch Zhou.
Hallelujah! From February to April 2015, the reporter from Guangzhou Information Times followed up with filming and interviewed Lydia and Enoch for three months, and made the photos into comic strips and published them.
>>> LYDIA ENOCH ACADEMY 妮蒂雅以诺学院<<<