A: No! Do NOT share your teacher account information with
your student because the teacher account contains answer keys to assigned lessons! As a teacher, you have a different Monarch application login because you have special administration permissions
that allow you to set up your students, manage your homeschool settings, assign and unassign courses, reschedule courses, create custom projects for students, see answers to questions, grade
students' work, override the system grade, and more.
Once you have set up your student(s) in your teacher application, they can log in to their student accounts using the usernames and passwords you created and begin their schoolwork. The
application your students see is specifically designed for student schoolwork and only shows the schoolwork (and calendar) for the specific student.
A: To easily reschedule student schoolwork so it fits with your school year, you, as the teacher, have three options to choose from on your Home > Dashboard page. Option One: Use the Reschedule Courses link in the Administration box. Option Two: Use the Reschedule Work link in the Lesson Plan box for a student. Option Three: Click Calendar in the Lesson Plan box and click the Reschedule All Courses button. The following steps explain how to use the Reschedule Courses link in the Administration box.
On your Home > Dashboard page, in the Administration box, click the Reschedule Courses link.
Select the first student for whom you want to reschedule schoolwork.
All of the selected student's courses appear under the Reschedule Courses for the student name area, so for each course, select new start (From) and end dates (To) based on your new school year and/or select the working school days for the course. Selecting working school days lets you create a blocked schedule of days for a specific course. For example, you want students to do their Bible school work on Monday and Wednesday. To do this, ensure that Mon and Wed are selected.
Click Save Changes for each course you want to reschedule. Monarch automatically adjusts the course schoolwork on the school calendar and on the student's calendar.
Follow steps 2–4 again for all students to reschedule their courses and calendar.
A: If answers appear on the assignment, this can be caused by two actions. One: The assignment may have already been completed. Two: The student may be logged in to Monarch using the teacher's username and password. Check the upper-right hand corner of the application to see whose profile is being used.
A: If this is occurring, the student is in "Quiz Mode" for Monarch. An indicator in the upper-left of the page appears to show that a quiz (or test) is in progress. This mode goes into effect once a student enters a quiz or test because quizzes and tests must be completed before accessing another assignment. You, as the teacher, can turn off Quiz Mode for your school. If the student started answering questions for the quiz or test, you can clear any work the student may have done.
On the main navigation bar, click the Setup button or on the Home > Dashboard page, in the Administration box, click the School Setup link.
Click the Quiz/Test sub-tab.
Under Quiz Options, select the Open Book option and to turn off "Quiz Mode" for tests, for Test Options, select the Open Book option. Click Save. This option lets students exit and re-enter quizzes and tests as many times as they want until the quiz or test is marked complete and does not block access to other available assignments.
To clear any work on the quiz or test, do the following:
On the main navigation bar, click Lesson Plan.
Select the student. Then, in the subject tree, click the expand (+) tool next to the subject name and click the expand (+) tool again for the unit containing the quiz or test.
Select the quiz or test in the subject tree and click the Clear Work button. If the student has entered the quiz or test but not answered any questions (problems), the Clear Work button is not visible.
Click OK to confirm that you want all the work removed from the quiz or test. Finally, at the Assignment Cleared message, click Close.
The student can now access any available assignment.
A: The level that you changed the settings at matters.
There are three levels for settings: School, Student, and Course. School settings are the highest level, but if you customized settings at the Student or Course level, those customizations are
not affected by changes to School settings. If customization of settings at the Student and Course level do not occur, then the School settings are enforced.
To check if customizations occurred at the Student level:
Log in as the teacher.
On the Home > Dashboard page, in the Lesson Plan box, for the student, click Settings.
Click the Grade (or Assignment or Quiz/Test) sub-tabs. If settings have been customized at the Student level, you will see a notification that says "These settings have been customized."
To clear customizations and have the student use the School grade scale and weights settings, click the Default button.
To check if customizations occurred at the Course level:
On the Home > Dashboard page, in the Administration box, click Curriculum Setup.
For a course, click the Settings link.
Click the Grade (or Assignment or Quiz/Test) sub-tabs.
If settings have been customized for a course, you will see the "These settings have been customized" notification. To clear the customizations and have the course use the school settings, click the Default button.
A: Because Monarch courses use Adobe® Flash® elements and
Flash elements do not display on an iPad, we recommend that you not use Monarch on an iPad.
*iPad is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
**Adobe, Flash, and the Flash logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
A: In prior versions of Monarch, you had to manually unassign the project itself if you skipped a problem in a project. Now, when you skip a problem in a project, Monarch automatically unassigns the project for you.
A: After the purchase of Monarch, you are sent an activation email titled, "Your Monarch Access Information!" Within that email is a link to www.activatemonarch.com, so you activate your curriculum. Click that link (do not copy and paste it) and enter your teacher username and password. You are notified if activation is successful. After successful activation, log in to Monarch as the teacher and you should see an Assign Your Subscription link on your Home > Dashboard page for assigning subscriptions (courses) to students. If you haven't already done so, be sure to set up your students.
A: Typically, either your username or password was entered incorrectly. Remember, Monarch usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. This means you must type your username and password exactly as set up, and you cannot substitute lowercase letters, such as "c," for uppercase letters, such as "C." As a teacher, you can click the Forgot Password option on the Monarch Login page and enter your email address to have your Monarch username and password sent to you. Or, you can contact Monarch technical support. If a student cannot log in, see the question below titled "Q: Only one of my students can log in and the 'Forgot Password' option only sends the teacher's information. What should I do?"
A: To add vacation/sick days to the calendar, you can easily change working school days to "non-school" days for all your students, and you can add vacation/sick days as "non-school" days for a single student. First, let's open the school calendar.
Log in as the teacher.
On the Home > Dashboard page, in the Lesson Plan box, for the student, click the Calendar link.
To add vacation/sick days for all students, on the first day of the vacation or sick day, click the day/date link. For example, click Tuesday Sep 8th.
In the dialog box that appears, just click the Non-School Day button. Monarch refreshes, and any assignments for that day are automatically rescheduled to the next working school days for all courses for all students.
Continue selecting day/dates for each vacation/sick day.
To schedule a vacation/sick day for a single student:
Click the student's name link on the day that you want to schedule as a vacation/sick day.
In the dialog box that appears, just click the Non-School Day button. Monarch refreshes, and any assignments for that student are automatically rescheduled for the next working school days assigned to the student's courses.
A: Because Monarch is a web application, every user is required to have a unique username for logging in. Passwords can be the same, but usernames must be unique.
A: This indicates that an assignment prior to the one being selected still needs to be completed. Monarch requires students to complete lessons/projects/quizzes/tests in sequential order, including any reassigned assignments and questions. On the student's calendar, assignments that are available for work are shown in bold text and colors. Assignments that are not yet available for work are shown in dimmed text and colors.
A: If students cannot log in, they may not be typing their username and password correctly. You can reset the usernames and/or passwords for them.
Log in as the teacher.
On your Home > Dashboard page, in the Lesson Plan box, click the Settings link for the student.
If you want to change the username, in the Username box, type a unique username.
In the Password field, enter a new password that contains at least six (6) characters which must include one uppercase letter (ex: D), one lowercase letter (ex: d), one digit (ex: 2), and no spaces.
Click Save Changes.
Give your student the new username and password. Once the student is able to log in to Monarch, he/she can change the password.
A: Depending on the type of Monarch subscription(s)
purchased, you may need to add students to or remove students from a subscription. Before you can add a student to a subscription, the student must exist in Monarch.
To add a new student to Monarch:
Click Setup, and then on the toolbar, click the Student Setup tool.
To add a student, in the Create Student fields, enter a First Name and Last Name, provide a unique Username, and enter a Password and verify it. Then, click the Create Student button.
Click Home to return to the Dashboard.
Next, to add a student to or remove a student from your subscription, in the Administration function box, click the Subscriptions link. The Subscriptions page appears showing your purchased subscriptions.
For a Family Subscription type, to add or remove students, click the Edit Students tool.
Or, for an Individual Subscription, click the Select Student button.
To add a student to the subscription, select the check box next to the name. Or to remove a student, clear the check box.
Click Save.
If you need to assign courses to a student, click the Assign Courses button for the student.
A: Once you have successfully requested access to the free
Monarch placement tests on aop.com, another page appears providing information about you (as the teacher) and your child(ren) (as the students), instructions on how your child takes the tests
within a grade level, and how you, as the teacher, can view their effort so you know where to place them in the Monarch curriculum.
Important: Make note of both the teacher and child information provided to you because you need it when logging into Monarch.
Your child will need his/her username and password that you created because the Monarch Student account is different than the Monarch Teacher account. The Monarch Teacher account has all the
answers to assigned tests and curriculum, as well as all the school administration features.
The placement testing process begins testing your child two grade levels BELOW the grade level you selected. For example, you selected grade 7. Testing would then start at the grade 5 level, two
levels below grade 7. Keep this in mind because when you log into your Monarch Teacher account, all grade levels of the placement test are visible. Using the example, you would select placement
test level 5 to view your child's progress.
Note: Some placement tests at certain grade levels may have subjective questions that cannot be automatically graded by the
system. This means you, as the teacher, must grade the question so the test grade is recorded.
Have your child continue taking placement tests within a grade level until a score between 50% and 70% is achieved on three consecutive tests. The grade level where this occurs is the most
appropriate grade level for placement of your child in the Monarch curriculum.
Student testing steps:
Have your child go to the Monarch website at monarch.aop.com.
Enter the student username and password. This action logs the student into the Monarch Student account.
If you are a first-time Monarch user, read the End User License Agreement and click I Agree. (You must click "I Agree" to proceed). Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
On the Home > Schoolwork page, under Assignments, click the first quiz (placement test) to begin.
Click the Work On Questions button and click OK.
Read and answer the question. Then, click the Submit Answer button.
When the question number turns a blue color, click the Next Question button. If you cannot answer a question, you may be able to click Skip and provide a reason. You can go back and change an answer before you mark the test as complete.
When all the questions have been answered and you are satisfied with your answers, click the Mark Lesson as Complete button to submit it for grading.
Click Return to Assignments and continue taking tests (quizzes).
Teacher reviewing steps:
Go to monarch.aop.com and enter your teacher username and password. This action logs you into your Monarch Teacher account.
If you are a first-time Monarch user, read the End User License Agreement and click I Agree. (You must click "I Agree" to proceed). Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
On your Home > Dashboard page, in the Lesson Plan box, under your child's name, click the Assigned Work link. Or, you can click the Grading Tasks tab to see if any questions need grading by you. This page also displays any problems the student skipped in the test.
On the Assigned Work page, click the expand tool next to the Placement Test subject name and click the expand tool again next to the Placement Test Level where your child started. This action displays the assigned tests (quizzes) for that grade level.
Click the completed test to see the results.