Product Id - MONOAIII3
Turn your high school student into an Excel® and Access® expert with the 2013 version of Ignitia Office Applications II. This one-semester elective expands computer skills with a focus on designing, developing, creating, editing, and sharing business spreadsheets and database documents in Microsoft® Excel® and Access®. This online CTE course for grades 9-12 includes tests, quizzes, and interactive lessons with engaging multimedia components. Purchase of this individual Monarch course grants access to one child for 18 months beginning on the date of activation.
The U.S. AOP Monarch Online Course Usage:
1. Open AOP official website address ,
click "Start your FREE TRIAL"
2. In the registration page, enter our code Code: MON30FHS Follow the steps can to complete the
3. Settings & manage parents (or teachers) and one or more student accounts
on this landing management page:
Give students the skills needed to become accountants, vice presidents, and business owners with Office Applications II: Microsoft® Excel® and Access®. This practical elective for students in grades 9-12 teaches high school students how to design, develop, create, edit, and share business spreadsheets and database documents.
Perfect for soon-to-be graduates, this online course teaches marketable skills to enhance resumes for employment and college. Lesson topics include data entry, formatting, formulas, functions, charts, and more. Course units contain quizzes and tests to evaluate progress and student mastery.
Note: Students enrolled in this course are required to have the 2013 version of Microsoft® Office® software for completing course projects.
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Apple Safari (version 8)