圣经诗篇  92:8 [hgb] 

惟 您 耶 和 华 是 至 高, 直 到 永 远。

Bible Psalms 92:8 [kjv] 

But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore.

圣 经 约 翰 福 音 3:16 [hgb] 

神 爱 世 人,甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。

Bible John 3:16  [kjv] 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

圣 经 箴 言 16:6  [hgb] 

敬 畏 耶 和 华 的 , 远 离 恶 事  

Bible Proverbs 16: 6  [kjv] 

By the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.

圣经约翰福音 17:3  [hgb] 

认 识 您 独 一 的 真 神 , 并 且 认 识 您 所 差 来 的 耶 稣 基 督 , 这 就 是 永 生 。

Bible John 17:3  [kjv] 

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

我们也特别祝福我们亲爱的,神在2011年所呼召的周以诺同工1月1日生日快乐!感谢神,让他刚好这一天要出生了。现在全球广泛使用的公历(也称为格里高利历)确实与耶稣基督的诞生年有关。公元纪年,即Anno Domini(主的年份),通常缩写为AD,用于标记耶稣基督降生之后的年份。耶稣的降生被传统上认为是在公元前4年至公元1年之间的某个时间,但具体日期无法确定。公历中的年份标记方式从耶稣的降生(0年)开始,这样“公元前”(BC, Before Christ)就代表耶稣降生前的年份,而“公元”(AD)代表耶稣降生后的年份。神这样安排,十让我们可以天天都能庆祝主耶稣为我们降生,感谢赞美主耶稣为我们胜过了死亡,感谢赞美主耶稣的复活大能,感谢赞美主耶稣基督的升天和将要再来!



LYDIA ENOCH Theological Seminary






lydia enoch homeschool


lydia enoch Homeschool union



申 命 记 7:9 [hgb] 所 以 , 你 要 知 道 耶 和 华 你 的 神 , 他 是 神 , 是 信 实 的 神 。 向 爱 他 , 守 他 诫 命 的 人 守 约 , 施 慈 爱 , 直 到 千 代 。




周慧贤的名字是三一真神和妮蒂雅的爷爷周墉機(周仕楷)弟兄給的。周墉機弟兄的父亲周老太爷是北京周家口人士,然后,  移居到了南方。周墉機弟兄后来移居香港。周以诺的名字是三一真神给的,神给以诺名字,神给以诺姓周。在2017年8月,感谢神的带领妮蒂雅和以诺移居得到了美国大西雅图伦顿。(大约在1940年代,妮蒂雅以诺的四伯公一家已经移居到了美国。)感谢伟大的三一真神,在我们每个人生都有各样奇妙的计划。以诺的证件上的名字就是叫以诺。周慧贤(周妮蒂雅)和周以诺拥有之一切产业,网站,账户等等,均由周妮蒂雅和周以诺亲自处理相关事务,目前没有授权任何人代表妮蒂雅和以诺处理任何事务,请相关人士知晓。请每一位和周妮蒂雅周以诺业务相关的福乐成员,合作伙伴,我们的学生,顾客和义工相互知晓。








如果您知道任何个人、教会、组织或团体,声称与妮蒂雅以诺或我们的福乐教会等相关组织机构有关系并借此募集资金或宣传其活动或图谋其利益,请立刻通知我们,发送邮件至office@lydiaenochzhou.com ,非常感谢您。






公告人:周妮蒂雅 & 周以诺 

2020年2月19日最新更新 - 美国


Deuteronomy 7:9 [kjv] Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.


God using LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU  founded and Co-organized by ENOCH ZHOU Fuller and related organizations of the same name, Various Christian education platforms, Lydia Enoch brand & store, Lydia Enoch sweet family and all businesses, since its inception, it has always adopted a member coding system. Every member of Fuller, partners, our students, customers and volunteers, all business related people, LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU reviewed every one and set up a unique code. LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU have always prohibited anyone from carrying out any related business activities or actions without authorization.


The name of HUIXIAN ZHOU (Lydia Zhou) was given by the Triune True God and the Christian YONGJI ZHOU  (SHIKAI ZHOU), Lydia's grandfather. Brother Zhou Yongji’s father, Mrs. Zhou, is from Zhoujiakou area in Beijing, then moved to the south. YONGJI ZHOU later moved to Hong Kong. ENOCH ZHOU's name was given by the Triune True God.  God gave Enoch this name, and God gave Enoch surname Zhou. In August 2017, thanks to God’s leading, Lydia and Enoch immigrated to Renton, Seattle, USA. (Around the 1940s, Nidia Enoch’s fourth uncle’s family had immigrated to the United States.)Thank to the great Triune True God, there are wonderful plans in each of our lives.The name on Enoch's documents is Enoch. LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU own all the businesses, websites, accounts, and so on, both LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU deal with related matters in person.  No one is currently authorized to handle any matters on behalf of Lydia and Enoch. Please related person Know.  Please be aware of each Fuller member, Fuller partner, our student, customers and volunteers make sure be clear know about this. Any time, anyone's comments, comments and actions on LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU not equal to the wishes and meaning of LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU.  LYDIA HUIXIAN ZHOU and ENOCH ZHOU do not assume any responsibility for any activities performed by anyone who does not authorize and no hold the relevant coders sent by us, in any fraudulent name, and reserves the right to pursue related responsibilities.


The Fuller Church and related organizations established and led by God using Lydia and Enoch are not affiliated with any church, missionary ministry, organization, movement, any other person or digital platform; they belong only to Lydia Enoch following God’s leadership to manage.


Any individual, church, organization or group that claims to have a relationship with Lydia and Enoch, or claims to have a relationship with our Fuller Church and related organizations, cannot represent us without permission.


If you know of any individual, church, organization or group that claims to have a relationship with Lydia and Enoch or our Fuller Church and other related organizations and use this to raise funds or promote their activities or seek their benefits, please notify us immediately. Send Email to  office@lydiaenochzhou.com  Thank you very much in advance.


Please anyone with any questions directly inquire Lydia Zhou and Enoch Zhou.


Thank you for your care and support. May God blessings!



February 19, 2020 Update - USA












电邮: office@fullerchurch.net








— 2023美国感恩节&圣诞节 2024新年快乐


In this season of thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, let us proclaim the good news! Thank you for God’s blessings. Thankful for our inheritance of Zhou family Christian education for more than one hundred years. We are the fourth and fifth generation disciples of Christ family, have been called by God to participate in the great cause of the Lord. Use Lydia founded Fule Church and received the vision; Lydia Enoch has been studying all-day and comprehensive advancement for nearly 20 years. By October 2020, we have completed the entire course of Lydia Enoch Academy in the United States. By October 2023, we have completed the course preparation and research of Lydia Enoch University and Lydia Enoch Theological Seminary in the United States. We gratefully declare that as long as our students to pray, follow God’s leading , enjoy and work hard to complete their studies, they will all achieve international leadership in our Lydia Enoch Academy, Lydia Enoch University, and Lydia Enoch Theological Seminary. Of academic success, complete our studies and graduate successfully! We are continuing to conduct various in-depth and expanded research! Second, I would like to remind you again that over the years, through the use of God, all the organizations, Christian education platforms and all businesses we have established are personally managed by Lydia Enoch, and no other person has been authorized to represent Lydia Enoch or agents handle any matters and we are never affiliated with any organization or any other individual. Our members, students, and partners in promoting Christian education, each have submitted an application form with us, we passed, with the encoding and preparation files we set up. Please know that God protects and blesses each other, and avoids all deceptions and pitfalls. Any words or deeds done by Lydia Enoch are not what we mean. Any words or deeds that take our name will be held accountable and the consequences will be attributed to the evildoers. If you need to inquire, verify or resolve any questions, please contact Lydia Enoch directly for discussion. Third, for many years, we have provided accommodation and catering (you can also order takeout) in the greater Seattle area of Washington State, USA, for those who need it to come together to worship, talk about fellowship, and study our courses. May God lead the family members of the Lord in need to come safely!


     Happy Thanksgiving America, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


     Contact us, website https://www.fullerchurch.net

     Email: office@fullerchurch.net



     Email: office@lydiaenochzhou.com


     Please keep our contact information if necessary, and welcome to forward it to each other in case you need it in various situations. Hallelujah thanks and praise God!


     May God bless us as we continue to walk with Him every day, continue to work more for the Lord, be honored and blessed for thousands of generations, have peace and joy on earth, be rich in grace and blessings, and receive the Lord’s satisfying rewards or various crowns in the incomparable beautiful heavenly home in the future. Amen! Emanuel!


     — 2023 American Thanksgiving & Christmas 2024 Happy New Year






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